Chapter Eighteen: Starved Innocence

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EnderOni, Loop One:

Chapter Eighteen:

Starved Innocence


His stomach growled. How long had it been now? Hours, if not well over a day. Stuck in a cell with nowhere to go, nobody to talk to, and nothing to do at all. He had already tried to pick the lock with pieces he had torn from his headphones, but nothing would work. He was trapped, and truly left to die.

Another hour passed, and he laid on the floor, hungry and thirsty. Everything was cold and his head hurt from lack of nutrition. His eyes and his mouth were cry, and his neck was sore from the position he had tried to sleep in.

How is it, stuck like that in a small area?” his trapper asked him, every once in a while walking into the small room to check on him.

He didn't answer.

The one whom trapped him smirked, and kicked at the cell bars, and they rattled, the sudden noise hurting the starving one's ears.

Now you understand how I feel.” The trapper sighed.

The trapped turned to walk back out, but he stopped, and said one last thing.

You know, another hour has passed.”

The starving one's eyes widen, and the smirk on the trapper's face grew.

Melons don't fall from heights and live.”

The trapper walked out of the room, closing the door behind him. The starving one reached out and grabbed the cell bars. He screamed out, tears running down his face.

N-No! Come back here!”

And then he pushed himself back against the wall when the trapper didn't return. He pulled his knees to his chest and tried to keep in his weak tears.

D-Don't do this. Please.” He chocked on his sobbs. "It's gone too far."


“You didn't even take a weapon with you when you left!” Seto pointed out, still confused and outraged.

“Drop it, Seto.” Ian muttered as he walked by. “We should see what he found.”

Seto mumbled, but had no choice other then to give in. Ty grabbed the crowbar from the weapon pile, and Ian and Bodil did the same. Tyler held his book, and Seto had his magic. With that, Ty lead the four out of the safe room.

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