Chapter 25

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Killer Frost paced around the dark, old lair, waiting for Savitar to return. It's been hours and still no sign of him. I looked around the lair in boredom. It does need a makeover, but she wasn't sure if he would appreciate her touching his stuff. Something was wrong. It wasn't like Savitar to be taking this long. He usually gets the job done quickly. And by job hopefully, he meant getting rid of Team Flash and not out for a snack. I checked my watch and stood up.

Either he's eating a big belly burger or something terrible happened to him. She had a sneaky suspicion that it was the latter. It could also be that he betrayed her but she highly doubts it. Savitar and I have a mutual understanding. He wouldn't be stupid to do something like this.

My patience was running short so I got up and headed out. I thought I was going to go search for Savitar at first but I changed my mind. Savitar can handle himself. I was going to Amunet's main operation instead. I've already researched and studied as much as I could in a short period, it's best to get to her as quickly as possible to get rid of Caitlin for good.

She thought of leaving Savitar a note but then she couldn't exactly tell him where she's headed. She just has to hope she'll get back before he does.

When I emerged from the lair, I tilted my head up to the sky as the sun shines down. The streets were bustling with people. Central City was always filled with energy and people.

I passed by Big Belly Burger and headed straight to my destination without any detour. Amunet's operation was empty with only a few people milling about. Of course, it was empty, it was a club and it was still daytime. Amunet was almost always on the move to be off the grid. That was why it was hard to find her. She could tell that they were metahumans, no doubt the people hired by Amunet. No one paid attention to her as she entered the office and there was a man that had his back on her.

I cleared my throat. "Excuse me? I'm looking for Amunet Black."

He turned around. I tried to keep my face blank. The man had a snake that was coming out from one of his eyes. The snake hissed at her. She's seen plenty of metas before but this was a new one. That's not creepy at all.

"Who are you?" He asked circling her, no doubt observing her, trying to get a read on her.

"My name is Killer Frost. I'm a metahuman just like you and I'm looking for Amunet Black. This is her main operation isn't it?"

His eyes gleamed or eye in this case. "Hmm. Prove it."


"Prove to me that you're a meta."

"Look Norvock," I hissed (no pun intended) as I squinted at his name tag. "I'm in a bit of a hurry, where can I find Amunet?"

He grunted at her. "If you want to see her and if you don't want to lose your tongue, Killer Frost," he spatted out her name. "You're going to do what I tell you."

I smirked. "Big mistake." I created an icicle frost with my hand, making sure the tip was sharp, and threw it at him.

The icicle hit him, going straight into his palm, pinning him against a wall. He looked more surprised than hurt as he surveyed his hand and the blood dripped down.

He simpered. "That was cold, Frost, I like you. I didn't think you had it in you."

I crossed my arms and tapped my foot. "Now, are you going to tell me where she is or do you want another one in your other hand?"

"Amunet's not here. She's on a business trip to another one of her lairs."

My eyes narrowed. "I thought this was the only operation she had?"

Norvock bellowed tilting his head back. "This is her main operation. She has many others around the globe. She's in Europe right now."

I clicked my tongue. "Well, that's too bad, I just came back from Spain."

"You don't have an appointment with her do you?"

I shook my head. "I didn't know I had to make an appointment."

"Well," he plopped down in a chair putting his arms behind his head and propping his legs up onto a table. "Looks like you wasted a trip here, come back later."

I didn't say anything as I headed for the exit.

"Before you go, do you mind telling me why you're looking for her?"

"I heard she has a tech that I need. I have an alter ego and I want to get rid of her permanently. Even now I can feel her trying to get out and take control over me."

Norvock grinned. "Well, then you came to the right place. Amunet had a bunch of techs but I gotta warn you, the price will be high.

I tilted my chin up and looked straight at him. "Whatever it takes."

"That's more like it."

Just as I got outside, someone clapped a hand over her mouth from behind. I struggled and thrashed around.

"Hey hey hey, calm down, it's me." A familiar voice spoke.

I pushed the hand away angrily turning to face him. "Savitar? Where have you been? What took you so long? Is the job done?"

He nodded. "Yes, it's done. The lair was empty when I got back. You weren't there and here you are. What are you doing in a club in the daytime?" He looked around.

I racked my brain trying to come up with a lie. "Just meeting a friend. When did you get back?"

"Oh not long." He shrugged.

"Well c'mon then let's go. I'm getting hungry. I'm in the mood for some big belly burger—"

"I'm sorry about this." He whispered, interrupting her.

"What are you saying—"

I gasped as Savitar injected her with something. I tried to grab him but lost my footing and slipped. Savitar caught her before she could hit the ground. I could feel my consciousness slowly slipping away as my vision went black.

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