《Chapter 52》

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Vanessa's p.o.v.

"I like you."

Wait what?

My eyes widen and I'm at a loss for words.

He's joking right?

"Who doesn't?" I say, trying to lighten up the mood. "I mean it Vanessa. I like you." He repeats, even more seriously this time.

"As a friend right?"

I really don't wanna misunderstand. As much as this makes me happy, I don't wanna take it the wrong way.

"No. As more than a friend. I love you."


Now I really don't know what to say-

"And what if I don't like you back?" I question and I saw hurt in his eyes, making me regret. "I don't care. I'll still love you. I want to let you know that." He says, wiping away the hurt as if it were nothing.

How can you mot fall for a guy this sincere?

I hug him tightly, making him almost fall back in suprise.

"I love you too, you enormous pain in the as*." I laugh a little and he hugs me back tightly with a smile.

He cups my face in his hands and leans in, his warm breath sent goosebumps to my skin.

Then he kisses me passionately and I respond as well.

After a few moments we both pull back. I was out of breath by then.


Before he could say anything else, a loud squeal erupted the silence.

"Hey love birds! Finished with your moment?" It was Jasmine and Isabella.


They planned this sh*t?!

Now I feel betrayed!

"You planned everything without telling me?" I glare and they smile sheepishly.

"Of course we couldn't tell you. You wouldn't have agreed. Plus, it's hard convincing yoir brothers." They say with a sigh.

I noticed my brothers only then.

They all stood behind them with glares on their faces.

And the glares were directed to Ashton.

If looks could kill, he'd be dead already-

"You guys agreed?" I question to none in particular. "For now.."

Ashton grinned and gave Isabella and jasmine a thumbs up.

Guess all that's finally over.

"So are you and jasmine a couple too then? Otherwise Ashton and I won't get together." I say firmly and I saw Ashton pout.

"Please tell me they're a couple.." he whined like a child.

"Yeah. We are. I finally got her to admit it." Romeo brags and I saw Jasmine punch him in the stomach.

"Shut up."

We all laughed at them. All of us except Ethan and Jason of course.

They still remained as cold as ever.

Making them laugh is gonna be a tough mission..

"Can we go home now? It's getting late and I'm hungry." I grumble and everyone rolled their eyes.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2020 ⏰

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