deadman nine.

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With a deep breath, Shoyo went out of the wall and straighten both his arms forward and mow down. Yet again, two men dropped on the ground limply. He used the gun he had in his back, and now it's used up. He pulled the trigger repeatedly, which made clicking sounds only and no remaining bullets are shooting out.

" Not now." He groaned and quickly ran towards the men and grabbed their guns. He placed another one behind in his pants and hold the other one. He huffed and skipped over the man. That's probably all of his men. There can't be more around here.

He quietly walked through another hallway, and as he passed by the walls, his feet leads him to the main hall of the ground floor, and in front, far from him, is where the main doors of the mansion is.

" Impressive!" A voice echoed across the whole place, making him jerk up. He backed away and hid behind the wall he walked passed earlier. The owner of the voice clapped their hands, making a series of noises blaring inside the hall.

" Very impressive, Shoyo. I'm greatly surprised that you're skilled enough to clean up my men." The man said. He can't be wrong that the owner of the voice is none other than the deadman himself, Hanato Masaya.

" Now that you're finish with them, come here and face your last challenge."

Deep breaths . . Deep breaths. Calm down. Shoyo breathed in and out and repeat, hands firmly holding the gun, his back leaned against the wall while his head turned to the right side where the hall way is.

" You wanted to see your sister, right? Shoyo?" Masaya asked as he made his way to the center of the hall. All the lights had been turned down, but the light coming from the full moon outside shone through the huge windows, lighting up the place mildly. And Masaya's clearly visible in the center of the hall where most of the light was shone.

" I have your sister here, Shoyo. Come and see her." The man said, luring the boy in. Beside him, Natsu stood, crying silently as she don't want to make any sound to worry her brother. Which is making her brother worry morr cause she's being deadly silent.

Shoyo didn't say anything and gulped for the 5th time. His hands were getting sweaty while he took a hold of the gun firmly.

" I took her back from San Diego so you could see her. Why aren't you coming out?"

" Don't tell you change your mind? How cruel, Hinata Shoyo." The man clicked his tongue repeatedly, disappointedly shaking his head, " Tsk tsk tsk. How cruel."

" Like hell I will change my mind!" Shoyo gritted as he stood off the wall and slowly starting to walk, " Shut your damn mouth, I don't wanna hear you say my name."

His eyes shifted to the crying little ginger head who's really standing beside the man, both her hands tied, but she's well dressed, " Sho-nii . ." she called lowly, eyes moving to the gun Shoyo's holding, and to the white shirt with little blood stains on.

Shoyo gave her and apologetic smile, " I'm sorry, Natsu. You had to see me like this." he said, and his eyes turned to the man and glared. Masaya smirked and pushed the little girl forward, who quickly ran towards her brother. Shoyo quickly knelt down and hugged his sister. Natsu cried in his arms as Shoyo cradle her. Finally.

" How sweet." Masaya made a disgusted look, right arm moving forward and cocked his gun, " Go to hell."

Shoyo dove to the side along with his sister in his arms when Masaya fired his gun, nicking his arm. Shoyo grunted as he grabbed his arm. He push Natsu behind him, dropping his phone as he charge forward, firing his gun to the man. Of course he dodge it all. He's fighting a skilled gunman.

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