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"Liz." George called, shaking me gently to get my attention. "Lizzie, we have to get out of here."

Death eaters had started to roam the place, people apparated out of here while member of the order stayed and fought. "No."

"No? Have you gone mental? We are leaving... right now!"

"What about Fred?!" I yelled and looked at him. "Kathleen? Lee? Deanne? Sebastian? Emmett? The rest of your family?"

I got out of his grip and he tried to grab me again, shouting after me as I started fighting my way through the crowd, looking for any of the people I loved. I kept being pushed or bumped into but that was the least of my worries.

"Lizzie." my arm was grabbed but this time it was Bill. "Have you seen anyone? My family?"

"George's over there." I said and nodded in the direction I came from but I couldn't see him due to crowd of people.

"Okay. Listen, meet us at the shell cottage. We'll be safe there." he said and I nodded before he grabbed Fleur's hand and apparated them both out of here. I continued my search for anyone and mentally cheered when I saw Kathleen and Lee. I rushed to them and hugged Kathleen.

"Merlin's beard, are you okay? How's the baby?"

"We're fine, where's George?"


I looked in the direction of where I last saw George and my heart skipped a beat when I saw him fighting with a familiar man.

"Shit!" I cursed. "Alright, apparate to Bill and Fleur's cottage. George and I are going to be there soon."

They did what I told them to before I pulled out my wand and sprinted to where George and my father was. My father said something and the wand flew out of George's hand, landing on the ground.

"Avada keda–"

"Expelliarmus!" I interrupted my father, my wand pointed at him. His wand flew out of his hand and I directed it to my own hand while I was still running. I quickly grabbed George's wand off the ground, then grabbed his hand and apparated us out of there.

We landed in the sand outside of shell cottage where Bill and Fleur lived. I immediately dropped the three wands I was holding and threw my arms around his neck.

"He was going to kill you. He was so close to– you could've been dead right now!"

"I'm okay." he whispered in my war. "I'm right here. I'm not dead."

"You're not dead." I repeated and pulled away so I could look at him. "He meant it when he threatened to hurt you."

I crouched down and picked up the wands, handing him his before we made our way inside. Bill was standing in the kitchen, Fleur was taking care of Charlie who had gotten a wound, Kathy and Lee were sitting on a sofa and Fred... Fred!

In the split of a second, I had my arms wrapped tightly around his neck, hugging him and feeling him hug back.

"What took you so long?" Bill questioned. "I was starting to think something had happened."

"I got into a small duel with a certain death eater." George replied and I pulled away from Fred to look at Bill.

"My father." I commented. "He almost used the killing curse on him."

"Almost?" Fred asked. "What's that supposed to mean?"

"I disarmed him." I simply said before I looked at Deanne who was leaned against the wall, clearly deep in thoughts. "Are you okay?"

She looked at me and pushed herself away from the wall when I opened my arms. She hugged me and I closed my arms around her.

"After what just happened? I'm bloody terrified. I saw him. Your father. My uncle. He saw me too. He tried to cast some spell on me but Fred was faster, found me and apparated us here."

"We're all safe now." Bill spoke. "There're two spare bedrooms upstairs so you'll have to figure out how you want to divide it between you all."

"Girls in one, boys in one." Kathy suggested. "Seems like the easiest solution."

"Easy for you." George scoffed. "We're more."

"Well that just sucks... for you." Kathy stuck out her tongue at him as Lupin apparated into the room with Ginny. Charlie got up immediately to hug her, making sure she was alright.

"It's good to see you're all safe." Lupin said. "Your parents are as well. Arthur and Molly... I'd advise you to stay here until it's safe. Especially anyone who has some type of past relationship to a death eater. I'm talking about you two, Deanne and Elizabeth. You two and your partners. I saw what he tried to do tonight. It is important that you stay in hiding until I saw otherwise."

And then he disapparated again...

One and Only 2 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now