Chapter 45

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"Laurie..." I'm left speechless as she walks out of the bathroom, her blonde hair twisted up into a bun and the beautiful emerald dress she bought flowed around her.

"Do I look good?"

"Perfect," I gasp at the same time Luna says, "Amazing," she is already in her quirky, but cute pink dress. "Now Eva your turn. Then we can go meet up with our dates."

I move into the bathroom and slip into my dark blue dress rather easily. I do a simple makeup spell and look into the mirror at my hair. What should I do with it. My black hair is rather long and knotted and wouldn't look the best in any hair style. Impulsively, I conjure up scissors and start cutting. With some help from my wand I now have shoulder length curled hair instead of long messy hair.

When I walk out both blondes jaws drop. "Your hair..." starts Laurie with a horrified look.

"Is it bad?" I ask starting to regret it.

"Not at all." I give Luna an appreciative smile and we start to make our out of the dorms and towards the the dungeons.

"Why couldn't your date just meet you at the Great Hall?"

"He wants to meet here." Laurie just shrugs.

We finally make it the Slytherin common room entrance to find Draco and three other boys standing outside it.

"Black." Draco nods at me stiffly. "You...weren't horrible on the first task."

"Of course I wasn't," I grin at him. "Laurie which ones your date?"

On cue, my cousin shoves a dark boy in a completely black suit and green tie forwards. "Go on Blaise."

The couple joins together and starts walking towards the Great Hall. "Well we have to go meet our dates, Black. See you later."

Luna and I join them and as we're about to turn towards the Gryffindor common room the blonde calls to me. "Tell that Weaselbee to behave tonight."

I just smile as we continue to walk. We finally arrive to the portrait of the Fat Lady with me already complaining about my heels and Luna somehow being perfectly fine. At the door stands Kala, Angelina, Fred, and George waiting for us.

"You two look gorgeous," Angelina smiles kindly surprising me.

"Thank you," I say with no malice, "You look beautiful."I look away from her and Fred trying not to think about the two of them. "Where's Lee and Ivan?"

"They went a while ago." Kala says not taking her eyes off Luna. "Should we all go?" She doesn't wait for anyone's answer before taking Luna's arm and moving down the stairs. Fred and Angelina follow, and just as I'm about to take George's arm, Fred turns his head to meet my eyes. But it only last for a second, and a second was all I needed to get my mind thrown off.

"Shall we?" George winks at me and sticks his arm out.

"Could you carry me?" I smile up at George with puppy dog eyes. "These heels are killing me. I think they've already cut up the back of my foot."

He sighs loudly before picking me up bridal style. The whole way to the Great Hall consisted of George pretending he was going to drop me and me hitting his arm each time.

"Jump off now," George grunts almost throwing me to the floor.

"Wow such a nice way to treat your champion," I mock slightly.

"Eva! Over 'ere," calls Fleur with Roger Davies attached to her side. George and I move to join the all the champions and their dates. Hermione waves at me from Victor's side while Harry looks more nervous than the first task. After all the students and staff finally move into the Great Hall for the champions dance.

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