7: Hallows Eve Part 2

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Hi! Sorry that this took so long to come out. I have no excuse other than I just forgot lol. Hope you enjoy it, even if Halloween has already passed!

The silence in the lunchroom was deafening, not even the sound of trays clattering or people shifting in their seats, just the breathing and rapid heartbeats of its occupants. That was until one surprised Pikachu finally processed what had just happened.

"HOLY HELL MIDORIYA I THINK YOU JUST MURDERED HIM!" the macaroni haired boy screamed through the hush, shaking everyone out of their shock.

"HOLY SHIT YOU JUST KILLED HIM, DUDE!" Kirishima joined in, standing up to pat the boy on the back.

Soon more students did the same, asking him questions or just laughing and giving him a head pat (as he was shorter than most people who were talking to him). Midoriyas act instantly dropped, and his face turned a bright crimson as he realized what he had just said in front of everyone.

The 1-B students stood on the sidelines, not sure whose side to take. Nobody seemed to notice when the lunchroom doors burst open to reveal a certain redhead who looked like she was ready to throw some giant sizes hands.

"I'm back!" The Big Sis of 1-B said, panting as she ran up to Tetsutetsu. "Did Monoma do anything while I was gone?"

"I-I mean, he tried." The Kirishima copy-cat replied with a blank expression.

Kendo gave him a confused look, turning her attention to the crowd the was now being dispersed by Lunch Rush.

"I got it on camera," Ibara murmured, handing the girl her phone that was already opened to a video. Watching the recording, which had captured about two-thirds of the rant, Kendo was surprised. She couldn't say that she knew Midoriya all that well, but just from the small interactions she'd had with him, she would have never assumed he would do something like that. When the clip ended, she couldn't help but let out a small laugh. She was glad someone had finally put Monoma in his place.

Scanning the now small crowd for the blonde, she spotted him on the outskirts, standing with his head down staring at the floor. Sighing, Kendo made her way over to him.

"C'mon." She said, giving him a light chop on the shoulder rather than her normal punch. "Lunch is almost over. We should be heading to class."

Monoma didn't say anything, so Kendo merely sighed again before grabbing him by the neck of his shirt and dragging him off.

— 🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴🦴—

Meanwhile, in class 1-A, our boy Midoriya was really starting to regret the fiasco in the cafeteria. For one, Bakugo had given him a thorough screaming, saying that "he could have handled it himself!" And that "he didn't owe him anything!" Though it was more tame than usual, sounding more like he was just trying to keep his reputation rather than actually meaning it. Midoriya, noticing this, just apologized and smiled at him, watching as he stomped the two steps back to his desk.

Other than that, his other classmates just wouldn't leave him alone about it. He hadn't done it for the attention, he had just really wanted to put Monoma in his place, but that didn't stop them from talking his ears off about it.

"It was so cool Midori!" Ashido said, standing in front of his desk. "I didn't know you had it in you!"

"Really manly bro," Kirishima added with manly stars in his eyes.

"I'm pretty sure you brought down Monoma's ego a few pegs!" Sero laughed.

Midoriya could only laugh and thank them. He wasn't annoyed, just feeling a bit uncomfortable from the attention.

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