A new enemy

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[Manga spoilers from here on out, although most of the next arc will be skipped since it doesn't involve you]

Me and some of the maids were watching Endevour get his ass kicked by the Nomu.

Y/n: That Nomu, looks different. Like the one at the U.S.J.....to bad i can't kill the Nomu and use it's body for experiments.

Maid: Why don't you do it then?

Y/n: The fight is far away from here, so by the time i got there it would be already over.

Maid: I see...

Y/n: I do wonder what the result will be thou-

Suddenly, Endevour's left side of his face got pierced by one of the Nomu's spikes.

Y/n: Ouch, that must have hurt.

But Endevour kept getting back up and trying to fight it, but after a while with the help of Hawks he managed to send the Nomu flying with him through the air.

He then yelled something and a massive wave of fire and heat could be seen in the sky.

He then started falling with the Nomu towards the ground and after a pretty big impact the smoke cleared and....


He was standing there with his fist raised.


Y/n: Would you look at that. And i thought he'd die.

But after a few seconds, someone appears behind Endevour and Hawks.

???: Hang on a moment, will ya? A lot of this was unexpected but.....

Hawks: !!!


Dabi: Well in anycase, nice to meet you....maybe? Endevour?

Endevour: (My vision is blurry....who is this?)

Dabi: I wasn't told you were gonna be here.

Endevour: (Dabi....of the Leugue of Villains)

Endevour: Your the one who killed Snatch, huh?

Dabi: Snatch? Who was that again? Why don't we have a little chat?

Dabi then made a circle of blue flames around himself and Endevour, Hawks.

Y/n: Huh, i wonder if he'll actually kill them....

Endevour: Guh.....

Hawks: No, rest here. Let me handle this. I only have little stubs of feathers, but if i can buy time then-

Dabi: Excuse me, but i only came to retrieve the Nomu's body. I have no chance of winning, right?

Mirko: Your the Leugue of Villains bastard, right?! I'll beat you up!

Dabi: Miruko....?! Man, just as it was getting good....Ujiko-san.

Suddenly, Dabi got teleported by some kind of weird fluid.

Y/n: Tsk- boring.....

I just turned off the tv because of the anticlimactic outcome.

Y/n: Well, i've got some buisness to take care of.

Maid: Buisness?

Y/n: Yea, i'll be back in a few hours.



Y/n: Hey Lye, what's this about?

We were standing on top of a secluded, pretty high house near a village.

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