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I wrote a letter , to all of my people hiding their colors. To all gay men ,I want to say it's okay. It's okay to love who you want , no matter how they perceive and misconcept the way that you vibe. I know it was hard to come out of that shell when you know the rule of boy meets girl so damn well. I know when you were younger they would bombard you with pressure to be the men society abused you to be. I know when you were thirteen you had your first girlfriend and you didn't like the way her cherry pink lipgloss coated lips felt  molding ungracefully onto your delicate skin. I know that they said men do not cry , I know that they said men can't be shy. I know it was hard when you watched beautiful women thrive onto their lesbian galore vibes. Trust me I know what it feels like to burn in your own skin. To kiss a pair of lips that makes you hate the body you were once proud of living in. I know what it feels like to have hands that don't match your desires touching you in places that make your soul burn in the most damaging ways. I know when you were younger dad would beat it all out of you , I know he looked at you as if it wasn't his seed flowing freely inside of you. I know when you looked in the mirror you felt ashamed and so tainted because the love that you've yet to give would cause your so called loved one's so much hatred. I see you and I'm so so sorry that they are not as kind as they claim to be. Don't you worry , don't you dare change. Despite their prejudicial opinions , the love you feel is fucking beautiful , my love it is rare.  And we will fight them together as we burn their cities in our rainbow coloured flags name.

                            -Liyah Smith

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