Muichiro Tokito | Who Did This

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A/n: This is really short compared to the other one shots. It's been awhile since I wrote something.


You were cleaning your blade when Muichiro stride inside the room, his clothes dirty and his shoulders down, you knew instantly he was exhausted. 

"You okay?" you asked as you put down your blade and rush beside him. 

"Yeah" he nodded, continuing to look far away. 

"are you that tired?" you asked, your hand brushing his long hair away from his face so you could have a better look. but you froze on the spot as you saw the nasty cut running down his cheeks down to his neck. 

"who did this?" you growled, your eye brows furrowing in anger. 

"It doesn't matter" he mumbled, taking your hand away from his hair and gently holding on it. he knew far too well, if you knew who did it to him you'll beat that hell out of that person.

"of course it does, tell me who did this" you grumbled 

Muichiro stared at you for a second, contemplating whether to tell you or not. 

"we were just training, it was my fault for letting my guard down for a second" he explained, and you raise an eye brow at him. you knew Muichiro is far to nice to let it slide, training or not those trainees should have been more careful. 

"that doesn't answer my question" you said, still angry about the whole thing. 

this time it was you who stared at Muichiro, you expected him to tell you who did it but seeing he was exhausted and you didn't want to force him anymore you let out a sigh as you drag him to seat on the edge of the bed while you went to the other side of the room where you store some medicine. 

"that looks deep" you worriedly said as you gently apply some alcohol on his wound. 

"it doesn't hurt anymore" he shrug, but he was visibly flinching from time to time but he tried not to show it to you, in order to reassure you.

a few minutes later, while you two lay down in bed. you can't help but still be concerned as laid wide awake.  

"just tell me a name" you mumbled, knowing he was still awake. it was quiet for a second before Muichiro shift on the bed to face you.

"If I tell you, don't punch him" he said

"no promises" 

In the end he didn't tell you a single name, but thanks to your amazing skills you found out who it was anyway. as much as you wanted to hit him back, you refrained and just left him with some intense nagging. 

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