School is, uh well, it's different

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Let's see. I have notebooks, pencils, erasiers, gym clothes, that seems about right. I think this is the first time I'm actually excited for school! Louis gave me my schedual he printed this morning and my classes are-

1.Math- Harry







I guess Liam's last so I can take a shower. OOH! Time for math with Harry!

I walked down upstairs to Harry's room and opened the door and Harry was getting up from bed. Naked. "AHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!" I screamed and ran into Louis' room.

"What's wrong?" he asked frantically.

"MY INNOCENT EYES!!!" I yelled throwing myself into his arms.

"Was Harry-?"


"Harry! Get some clothes on! You're late!" he yelled through the wall.

"Send her back over. I'm dressed and ready." he answered back. I walked back to his room to find him dressed but still with bed hair.

"Sorry about that." he said.

"All I wanted was to learn math....." I said still horrified.

"I know. You endedup learning art istead." he said with a smirk. He's so cheeky.

"Ewww Harry! That was NOT art. Let's just get to math." I said getting out a pencil and a notebook.

"Okay. We're going to start with lesrning about adding, subrtracting, multiplying, and dividing negative numbers." Oh joy. "Do you know how to do these?" he asked me. I shook my head. "Well don't worry. That's what I'm going to teach you today." he smiled. Harry showed me how to do the problems but then he gave me homework!

"Harrrrrryyyyyyyyyy! Why do I have homework?" I complained to him while he just sat there smirking.

"Well this is your knew school right?" he asked.


"And you get homework in school, right?"


"Well since this is your new school you get homework like you would in a public school." he smile widley. Dick. I sighed and left for my next class.

"Annabelle Tomlinson, you are five minutes late for class. Explain yourself." Louis demanded when I walked into his room.

"Harry was being a dick about homework so we had a little argument." I explained.

"ANNABELLE! This is school! You do not curse in school OR argue with teachers! DETENTION!" he yelled. Haha. Louis is so bad at trying to be mad.

"Anyway, what are we doing today?" I asked him.

"We are reading........HARRY POTTER!!!" He jumped up and down with excitment. EWWW! It's not that I don't like Harry Potter, it's just that I hate reading. I never told anyone, but it's hard for me to read because the letters keep changing and mess up the word. Hopefully we didn't have to read out loud. "And we're reading it out loud!" Louis yelled. Oh great. He handed me a book and we got situated on the bed. "Now you read the first page." he instructed me. (I dont know what the actual first page is so I'm just making up my own)

Louis Tomlinsons Little SisterWhere stories live. Discover now