Chap. 1 - And the years passed...

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"(Y/n)?" Bao, now ten years older, knocked on her bedroom door.
Not hearing anything, he opened the door and hesitantly looked inside. Rays of sunlight were peeking through the bamboo curtains, the young woman has just sat up on her bed and was still only half awake. Bao smiled and stepped inside.
"You're usually a morning person. What happened?"
She groaned and rubbed her eye.
"I was too excited last night," she mumbled. "I couldn't sleep."

He opened the curtains. The sudden change of brightness made her yelp and fall back on the bed, covering her eyes.
"Why must you, my old friend of many years, make me suffer so~?" she asked. "And on your last day here with us nonetheless."
He chuckled.
"It's because it's my last day here in the monastery that I intend on enjoying your company as much as I can."
She smiled as he began to walk towards the door.
"We'll be waiting for you in the courtyard."
"Alright~." she waved.
She waited for him to close the door behind him to stand up, change and give a small prayer to the little shrine in honor of her father. On it was incense, his necklace which she would sometimes wear for good luck, and the old monkey doll he made for her.

After what happened ten years ago, her three friends decided to become soldiers. They worked very hard everyday, becoming skillful fighters, and today was the day where they could leave the village to join the king's army and get formal training.
During those years, the boys would come visit the monastery everyday, it was still like a second home to them.
(Y/n) never went past the village again, and she was fine with it. At least that's what she told herself, but everyone could see the longing look on her face when she's admire the landscape.

Wu-peng waved at her once she walked in the courtyard. Shen and Bao turned around to face her and Shen ran up to her, wrapping her in his arms.
"(Y/n)! How I'll miss you!" he whined like the protecting big brother figure he is.
"You're not gone yet." she giggled.
"Come on big guy," Wu-peng separated them. "let her breathe."
"But we have so little time~!"
"We have until sunset, that's plenty of time!"

"And speaking of having plenty of time:" she said. "I have a bunch of errands to run today, so why not spend it by helping me out?"
"Errands?" Wu-peng lifted an eyebrow. "Can't you take the day off?"
"It's not a job per se, I can't 'take a day off'." she shrugged.
He sighed.
"I thought our last day before joining the army was supposed to be fun."
"No she's right!" Shen excitedly exclaimed. "Going around the village will be a great way to say goodbye to everyone! Come on!"

Although she was the kinda-daughter of the late high monk of the monastery, (Y/n) being a woman she couldn't take his place. So to be helpful, she became the little helper of the village. And beside, it didn't stop her from learning a spell or two in secrets (in those times too she'd wear the necklace). She became a real handyman and it showed by the list of what she had to do for the day:
Go grocery shopping; Repair broken wicker baskets; Pick up medicine; Babysit the fisherman's twin sons while taking care of their sick mother; Paint the remaining pots because the pottery master broke his wrist; Change the incense in the many temples of the monastery; Assist the florist while she renovates her shop; Fix the roof of the school; Have weekly tea party with the village's grandmas.
The three boys were expecting some draining work, but this was turning out to be quite fun, especially when doing it with friends. And really it showed them that their was ways to help a community other than protecting them from demons.

"And even then! We're a tiny isolated village," Wu-peng said after sipping his tea. "no demon ever comes by."
"Oh but it's the intention that counts deary." one of the grandmas patted him on the arm.
"I'm sure they'll be plenty of them to slay where you boys are going." another grandma smiled.
"I see this as a good thing that we don't have any demons." (Y/n) said, picking up a biscuit. "Who knows what hell we'd be in right now if my master hasn't stopped those two, years ago."
As she took a bite, Bao looked down. After that, he didn't spoke much but it wasn't that out of the ordinary, so the friendly gossip continued.

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