Chapter 46

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"Ev it's been weeks, it's not really a big deal-"

"She's a bloody arsehole, Fred! First those things about Hagrid then saying I moving from guy to guy." I throw the article about my on the table.

The Truth About Eva Black
The daughter of the notorious mass murder Sirius Black and one of the Triwizard Tournament champions was spotted moving from guy to guy very quickly. Students say that Miss Black has been rather cozy with the younger brother of Victor Krum. Then after taking Fred Weasle to the Yule Ball, Miss Black was spotted snogging none other than his twin brother George Weasle.

"Love no one even pays attention to the Daily Prophet...or at least the part about you." I huff in annoyance as Lee and George come back with our Butterbeers.

The last few weeks I have spent studying for O.W.L.S with Kala, plus Luna and Ivan for moral support. Though Ivan often left to hang out with Lee. The two were becoming very close, but both denied that they were anything more than friends. Laurie had been to busy to study now that she and the Slytherin boy, Blaise, were snogging every second of the day. With Blaise came Draco and a few other younger Slytherins. So in these forced interactions Draco and I began exchanging easier and kinder words. Within these interactions he had gotten only a little softer towards me, and even somehow found out about my birthday a few weeks ago. Though his really expensive perfume wasn't as sweet as necklaces from Luna, books from Kala, a cute ring from Fred and the rest of my gifts. It was still thoughtful.

"Eva," Fred whines, "you've been too busy studying lately, and we've barely hung out. You promised that today would be a good date."

"It's not really a date Freddie when your twin and best friend tag along." He say glaring at the two, who just smirk and continue to drink their Butterbeer.

"Just pretend we're not here." Lee smirks sending us a wink.

"Why do you even have to be here?" I ask, "Shouldn't you be off with Ivan?"

Lee just ignores me, "To make sure the snogging doesn't turn into shagging."

"Lee!" I smack his arm hard, cause him to yelp "ow". "We're not going to shag in the middle of the Three Broomsticks."

"Well you never know-OW!" Fred yelps as I hit him over the head with the Daily Prophet. "Alright, no shagging in the Three Broomsticks then. What do you think of Zonko's-OW!" I ended up hitting the three of them a few more times before they shut down the topic. But not before got a hit of his own in when George mentioned Ivan and him.

"Come on Eva run!" George calls in me as the carriage starts to move. I run faster feeling my legs burn before grabbing Fred's out stretched arm and hop into the carriage. A bunch of angry Hufflepuffs with bright yellow scarves run after us, but aren't able to catch up.

"That was close." sighs Lee tiredly. I nod in agreement, I had almost missed the carriage due to third year Hufflepuffs asking a lot of questions about the next tournament.

We all just nod our head in agreement as we try to catch our breath. It wasn't long before the three Gryffindors jumped into a conversation about the twins business. But somehow as their conversation turns to the Triwizard Tournament, like it had just minutes earlier with the Hufflepuffs.

"Have you figured out that egg yet?" George asks as Fred helps me jump out of the carriage.

"No." I sigh loudly. "And now I only have a month left."

"Well let us older and more intelligent people help," Fred grins earning a smack on his side from me.

"We're the same age and if anything I'm more intelligent." I grin as Fred lightly smack me back, but I slip away to Lee's side.

"Hey we're smart too! Didn't come up with Weasley's Wizard Wheezes with luck."

"And all our pranks take thinking," adds George. "Come on, let us help. Then we have an excuse to not being doing any work."

"Fine, you three can help." I say giving up.

"Hey, I never said anything about helping. Besides me and Iv- I'm busy." I smirk at Lee's almost accidentally slip up. With the amount of time the two boys were spending together, I'd been surprised when Ivan did not end up coming to Hogsmeade with us. But both of them kept on insisting on keeping the act of "not that close" friends. So I make sure not to say too much about it.

"Okay then, you two meet me at the library tomorrow-"

"Ev, the librar-" I cut Fred's whining off by standing on my tippy toes and placing a soft kiss on his lips. "Shut it Fred." I whisper into his mouth.

"Are you going to shut me up with a kiss too?" George smirks at us.

"I wouldn't get one either," Lee joins in his smirk just as wide as George's.

"No I'll just slap you." Fred and Lee burst out laughing while giving Fred fake sad frowns. "G'night boys. Behave!" I call as I make my way away from the hyper Gryffindors and back to the Ravenclaw common room.

Sorry for how long it took me to post but I'm officially out of school! So I will definitely be able to post regularly now!

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