Spider-verse pt1

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Two months later...

Y/n is seen in his casual clothing, a large back jacket over his shoulders as snow began to fall around him. He stares down at a tombstone. The tombstone was riddled with flowers, extinguished candles, and signs, as two pictures were on the tomb. A Spider-woman suit… and a picture of Gwen Stacy, while she was sitting in front of her drum kit.

Ever since her identity and death was announced, everyone has been mourning her death. Even J.J. Jameson stopped trying to blame her for everything. Y/n holds a golden necklace, with a cyan gem in the middle. He sighs before sitting across from the stone.

Y/n: Hey Gwen…  how are you doing? 

No response.

Y/n: … So Casey left New York a few days ago… she'll be back though, she just wanted to visit her mom for the holidays. Uh… Natasha has been visiting the apartment a lot recently. She's definitely become more clingy than my own mom, especially after Sco… 

Y/n stops himself for a moment.

Y/n: A-anyway… I wanted you to have this… I bought this before you… left, it was meant to be a surprise.

He places the necklace on the tomb.

Y/n: Merry Christmas Gwen… I… 

Y/n's hands dug into the dirt, as he tried to hold in his despair. Behind him tombstones and snow began to glitch before he calmed down. Y/n stands up, and looks at the tomb with tears rolling down his cheeks.

Y/n: I love you Gwen.

Y/n then begins to walk back home, as leaves blown by the grave. 


Y/n is seen holding a new suit he had designed with a bit of help from Tony, as a condolences gift.

He puts the suit on, black and gold reminiscent of his prototype, while sporting some red. He puts his hands in a claw motion, for claws to appear. 

Y/n: Crime never stopped

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Y/n: Crime never stopped...

He whispers as he puts on his mask and hood, before jumping out the window and swinging through the night.

Y/n: I don't have any more time to mourn, if these thugs still plan on hurting others.

Y/n hears a man yell, he looks down to see a girl wearing, what looked like a super hero costume, was surrounded by muggers. Y/n glitches over, when he goes to shoot a web bomb, the girl's fist suddenly grows larger as she punches one of the goons. A behind man raises his gun at her, but before he could fire Y/n swoops in and steals the gun.

Y/n: A gun? this a fist fight, have you no honor Ozai?

Goon: Glitch-Spider?!

The girl turns surprised to see the web-head behind her, before she begins to get excited. 

???: Glitch-Spider!? OMG is that really you?
Y/n shots a web at the guy's face, pulling him forward, and delivering a kick to his head,knocking him out.

Y/n: Y/n let's talk, after these guys are dealt with. 

???: *blushs* R-Ri!ght

The two begin to take down the remaining goons, as the girl would pick them up and throw them to the wall. While Y/n would glitch behid them, and send Venom-shocks through their body. After a few minutes, Y/n is seen finishing up, webbing them up to together.

Y/n: There, let's send the prison a few early Christmas presents.

Y/n turned to the girl.

Y/n: what's your name?

???: K-Kamala!

Y/n: *chuckles* no need to be nervous, we're both heroes here

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Y/n: *chuckles* no need to be nervous, we're both heroes here.

Kamala: O-oh but I'm not a hero…

Y/n: You're not? Uh, what about the, you know, giant fist thing? I know a hero in making when I see one, I was one too you know.

Kamala: O-oh, well, I only trained a few times really…

Y/n: Training for what?

Kamala: well, Nick Fury talked to me before everyone gotdusted. He asked me if I wanted to be part of the Avengers Junior program.

Y/n: That's the first time I've heard of that… wait, you're training to become an Avenger

Kamala nods.

Kamala: Yup! I want to prove I could be a great hero like you!

Y/n pats her shoulder, before he begins to walk away. 

Y/n: Trust me Kamala, *turns back to her* You don't wanna be like me.

Suddenly, Y/n began to glitch as a portal opened behind him.

Kamala: Glitch-Spider!!

Her hands began to grow as she held onto the corner, and tried to reach for Y/n's hand. However, before she could reach, he was sucked into the portal…


Y/n: Shhhiiiiiiiiiittttt!!!!!

Y/n is seen falling into an alleyway. He crashes into many of the staircases, before he slams in his shoulder letting out a loud groan.

Y/n: Fuck…

He pushes himself up, as he moves his shoulder.

Y/n: What the hell happened… *he looks around* This… doesn't feel like home. 

Y/n twips to the top of the roof before swinging through Manhattan. It looked just like home, but there were many minor things wrong. Instead of the karate dojo he used to go to, Miyagi Do, there was a different dojo called Cobra kai. Who he swore his teacher put out of business a long time ago.

Suddenly one of the billboards at times square a news broadcast played.

Someone named Peter Parker, had died. And he was this place's Spider-man.

Y/n: What the fuck...

[OG] The Glitch Spider (malereader spider-man harem)Where stories live. Discover now