1.6 about stars and fairies

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»»» song: foster the people - nevermind

25th August

Strangers became friends, unfortunately, just as easy as friends became strangers. And sometimes strangers turned into friends and back into strangers.
After all, we were all strangers until we got to know each other. Right?
However, sometimes strangers also turned into something else. Into someone you couldn't stop thinking about. 
Sometimes it was meant to be. Sometimes not. And what remained were the memories that those two strangers shared.
Having seen enough sad love stories.

However, this story is for sure not a dramatic or melancholic one.
I like to see it as one of those Julia Robert's romcoms from the '90s, though obviously it's not.
Or maybe is it?


"Oh my god," Vicky exclaimed, gasping for air. "Those are terrible as fuck! I forgot about their existence."
"Would do the same if I was you."
"Those glasses though," Michael chuckled then, pointing at the photo. "Looks like a gigantic butterfly tried to eat your face."
"Oh shit, you're right." Luke and Tally laughed out, almost dropping their chips bags. All of the gathered around the glass table on the balcony. Looking at some old photo albums Ashton had found in one of the bookshelves. Containing some quite embarrassing pictures of the girls' early teenage years.
"That was considered cool at that time, okay?"
"Which time was that? The eighties?" Ashton pursed his lips, trying his best not to burst out laughing again.
Vicky pouted. "Shut up! I was only twelve."
"Still better than whatever Tally was wearing in the next," Michael said then, their glances falling on the next photo. Laughing all over again.
"Rude! I was only fourteen."
"Still no good excuse for this," Calum smirked.
"Haha, funny," she giggled. Her arms crossed in front of her chest. "I bet the pics of your early teenage years weren't that great either. I remember one with you and some weird snapbacks posing like wanna-be-rappers in front of a mirror."
An amused smirk all over her face as soon as she saw their mouths shutting, looking away. Cheeks burning red from the embarrassing memory.
Michael cleared his throat, quickly pointing at another photo Tally had taken from Vicky.
"Anyway, what's with that?"
Most photos were like that, she preferred being the photographer while the younger girl preferred being the subject. Even now it hadn't changed. "Is that a hollow tree you're standing inside of?"

Tally smiled, her getting reminded of the place. Memories of the good old days when life had been easier. When boys were just some soccer-fanatic idiots in school.
"You remember this?"
Her cousin nodded, smiling as well. "Yeah. It's the big old tree at the path. When we went hiking with dad and Rina and I was trying to do scary faces," she giggled.
"What path?" Luke blurted out curiously, bending over the chips.
"The Path of Love in the mountains," Vicky explained, turning back to the photos. Ashton getting seemingly excited by the mention of mountains and nature. Him having something spare for trips like this. "There's this tiny village my grandpa owes a house in and we go to each year."
"Seems to be amazing there. Is that place far?"
"Uhm, about one and a half hour. Why?"
Ashton shrugged. "I don't know. It looks beautiful so I was just wondering."
Vicky pursed her lips for a moment. "W-what would you say if we went there?"
His lips spread into one of these dimpled smiles. It was adorable.
"Are you serious?"
Tally was clearly surprised by her cousin suggesting it on her own. She'd played with the thought herself, but didn't have the courage to ask. Thinking no one would want to.

"Yeah, I'm sure dad wouldn't mind. He's the one complaining all the time we wouldn't 'enjoy nature' enough. " She added quotation marks with her fingers to the last part. "But only if you're in the mood for that."
"Don't you have rehearsals though?" Michael asked to which she responded by shaking her head. "General rehearsals are in three days. So if y-"
"I'm in!" Ashton instantly announced, followed by Luke and Calum. And eventually, even Michael agreed. Certain the city heat would get the best of him otherwise.
"Let's go to the mountains then."

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