Chapter twelve: Grim Defeat

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The school talked of nothing but Sirius Black and Echo for the next few days. The theories about how he entered the castle became wilder and wilder; Hannah Abbott, from Hufflepuff, spent much of their next Herbology class telling anyone who'd listen that Black could turn into a flowering shrub.

The Slytherins were the ones gossiping that Echo assisted with Black's entry and his escape of the castle. Then saying how she hid before anyone could find her. Technically, they were partially correct as Echo did assist with his escape.

Ever since the rumors were exposed, a certain group of upperclassman were being the victims of non-stop pranks. It was obvious who it was, but none of the Professor's could find any evidence to prove their suspicions.

She has yet to be asked out again, too.

Echo enjoyed it. Watching Nick Webb enter the Great Hall with absolutely no hair on his body was satisfying . . . in a harmless way. Echo mused the idea that it would be better to remove their fingernails with pliers.

The muggles always did have great torturing methods.

At one point, Echo was summoned to the Headmaster's office. She thought that Dumbledore wanted to know the details of the actual conversation that occurred between her and Black. She knew he wasn't daft; he was fully aware that what Echo relayed to Fudge was twisted. 

When she stood before the Griffin statue, it moved to the side allowing her access. She didn't even have to say the password. As she walked past, the statue stood straighter and puffed its chest out.

Ignoring the odd behavior from the Griffin, she stood still as the steps raised her up to the office door. She heard a 'come in' before she could even knock.

Dumbledore spoke as she sat in the chair in front of him. "How are you finding Hogwarts, Ms Creed?" He asked pleasantly.

She blinked at him. "You summoned me here, Professor?"

Dumbledore chuckled, "Right to business I see. You are aware that Sirius Black is after Harry, correct?"

Echo nodded, "I was told that, yes."

"But you do not believe it." It was a statement more than a question.

Echo shrugged.

Dumbledore had a thoughtful expression while staring at Echo for a moment or two.

"When you accepted my offer to attend Hogwarts, you agreed to watch over Harry as well. Do you still wish to do so?" asked Dumbledore carefully, eyeing her.

"I do," said Echo confidently.

"Very well," Dumbledore nodded while standing up and walking over to her side, Echo stood as well. "I ask that you walk Harry to his classes. I already informed the teachers so you will not be marked tardy. I also want you to accompany him to his quidditch practices—" Dumbledore handed her a note— "And this note is for Oliver Wood, I understand that he will be more than reluctant to let you be present."

Echo's eyes moved across the piece of parchment before looking back at Dumbledore.

"Harry won't be too thrilled about this, Dumbledore."

He nodded solemnly. "It's just for precaution."

Echo stared at the graying wizard for a moment before retreating back to the office door.

Echo fulfilled Dumbledore's wishes, walking Harry to and from classes and meal times. She hasn't been able to spend time with Lupin as much and had to move her tutoring sessions to fit around Harry's schedule. She refused to knock their sessions down, so she just spent less time studying on her own to assist the very overwhelmed first and second years.

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