1. She's back

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My feet tap on the pavement impatiently as I wait for Jimin outside his door. I've been standing here, waiting for him to come out after he takes his princess time to get ready for the school for the past 15 minutes. I'm getting annoyed of having to do this everyday. Maybe I should ditch his ass someday and leave him behind. That would be a good lesson for him.

As I'm about to get my plan in motion, the front door of the house flies open. As usual a grinning Jimin stands in front of me, his school bag hanging sideways on his shoulders. His forehead is exposed as his chocolate brown hair are neatly styled. The expensive pair of Nike only screaming his rich status as it fits well with the uniform.

This boy never misses a chance of showing off his good looks.

" Glad to see you haven't left yet. " he happily hops down towards me closing the door behind him.

" Was about to. You seem pretty cheerful today. Anything special? "

" It's Wednesday today. "

" Oh right. "

One thing to note about Jimin, Wednesdays are his favourites. For a reason unknown to even me. I don't bother to ask.

" So you came up with anything for the project? "

" What project? "

" Jimin. " I say warning him. He better not have forgotten about the History project we were supposed to start working on ages ago. That cranky ass baldie would kill us.

" Fuck! I completely forgot. "

" You're unbelievable. " I fasten my pace as I hear his chains of apologies. I don't want him saying sorry all the damn time. I just want him to do his part while I do mine and make it yet another remarkable project for the school.

Being a straight A student has its pros and cons. Although it may seem the pros are at its best, the cons could be quite irritating. And Jimin's tardiness was doing the exact same effect on me.

" Come on I'll make it upto you. What's the due date? " he says as he catches up to me, the slightly uneven road making our height difference even more prominent.

" Friday. " I deadpan.

" Fuck. "

" Cursing ain't gonna help. " I say as I hear him mumbling something under his breath.

We walk down the slight slope and towards the bus stop. The morning air is quite chilly and I regret not wearing extra layers of clothes. The bus stop is of about 15 minutes walking distance from Jimin's home. Still we had missed the bus quite a few times, all credits to him.

" Okay, how about I come to your home today and we finish all of it at once? We'll pull an all nighter. "

" Why not come to my place straight after school? "

" It's Wednesday. "

" What is it with you and your Wednesdays? " I continue to walk down the road, not expecting any answer from him. These were the times I wished I knew why he loved Wednesdays so much. At least I could've been less frustrated.

The rest of the walk is pretty much silent. I don't mind it, neither does he and we both know it. Jimin's been my best friend since middle school. We've pretty much spent all our school life together. Sometimes he's a pain in the ass, but he's someone I can rely on.

And that's something hard to find these days.

The bus stop is filled with people and I instantly grimace seeing the crowd. I am not a fan of being suffocated to death by other people. Even if that means I have to miss the first bus then that's fine by me.

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