53.7K 2.2K 2.2K

Wednesday night, you were back on the SMP, streaming while you mined and collected coal and iron. You could never have enough coal and iron. 

Your stream was at about 23,000 at the moment - a sort of middling number, for the middle of the week and for a stream that was really just you grinding on the server. You were taking time to actually read the chat this time around, and respond to what you could catch. 

A question rolled by, and read it quickly. 

What time are you streaming Saturday?

Excitement flared up within you. You had been thinking about the meetup this weekend for days, and you were itching to get to Friday already. You wanted to be on the road with Alex, headed to Brighton, with your vlogging camera in hand. But alas, time inched forward slowly, and Friday was still two days away. 

In two days, you would be on your way to meet Tommy in person for the first time. You smiled to yourself. 

"I actually will not be streaming Saturday." You said, mining through a vein of iron.

Confusion rippled through your chat. You regularly streamed on Saturdays, though sometimes to time slot varied, depending on what you were doing that weekend. 

"I'll be in Brighton this weekend actually." You said. "Alex and I are going on a little trip. We might run into some other familiar faces," You teased. "Who knows?"

Now your chat was buzzing with excitement - they could smell a meetup from miles away. You laughed at some of the comments rolling by, about to respond when a little notification in the Minecraft chat called your attention. 

TommyInnit joined the game. 

"Chat, should we call Tommy?" You asked. "He just joined, we could see if he's up to anything exciting."

Unsurprisingly, the chat was flooded with 'yes's.

You opened Discord, sending out a call to Tommy. Within thirty seconds, he had picked up. 

"Hello." You said.

"Hi." Tommy said. "What's up?"

"Just wanted to see if you were up to anything interesting." You said. "I'm streaming, but I really have just been mining for an hour now, I feel bad about not giving the chat something cool to watch."

"Ah." Tommy said. "I was planning on just getting more cobble, but we could have a fight to the death if you want?"

You laughed. "I can't do that." You said. "That would be child abuse."

Tommy spluttered. "Hey- you and I are the same age! None of this 'oh, he's a child' nonsense from you now! You're a child too! And I'm not a child! I'm a man!"

You laughed some more. "Suuree."

"I am!" Tommy said. "I'm a very big man! I have huge muscles, and you would totally lose in a fight with me!"

You dashed back to the chest you were storing all the cobble you collected in, and dropped the stacks you were holding. Putting your sword into the hotbar, you left your mine. "Where are you?" You asked. 

"Why?" Tommy shot back. "You coming to fight?"

"Maybe I am." You said. 

"I'm by Pogtopia." Tommy said. 

You headed off in that direction. "Prepare to lose."

Tommy laughed. "Oooh. Those are fighting words. Cocky cocky."

"I'm not being cocky, I'm just confident." You said. 

"I wouldn't be so sure."  Tommy said. 

You jut hummed, approaching Pogtopia. You headed down into the hideaway, sword at the ready in case Tommy tried to jump you. You were hoping to get the jump on him - for all your gusto earlier he was still a good Minecraft player, and you were going to take every advantage that you could. 

Soon enough, you spied him. Crouching to hide your name, you continued forward, sneaking behind him. 

"You coming or what?" Tommy said. 

"I'm already here." You said, a grin coming over your face. 

Tommy began to spin around. "Whe-oh!"

You started swinging, knocking him back towards one of the walls, hopefully where you could trap him and just make easy work of this fight. Unfortunately for you, Tommy managed to jump up onto a ledge, hurrying away while he brought out his bow. 

An arrow hit you in the chest. 

"Hey!" You said. "We didn't say anything about ranged weapons!"

"We didn't say anything about sneak attacks either!" Tommy shot back. 

"Fair enough." You had to admit, taking cover behind an outcropping in the wall. If you stayed here, Tommy would have to come to you, putting him in range of your sword. You took the chance to glance at the chat - they were loving this. The amount of viewers on your stream had increased by at least 500.

You could hear Tommy talking to his chat on the other end of the call. "Damnit... we're going to have to use our sword..."

Good. That was exactly what you wanted. 

You waited, crouched in place and sword at the ready. You were sure he was going to try and jump down on you from above, and you formulated a plan. When he dropped, you would back around the other side of the outcropping, and hopefully end it there. 

You inhaled. 

"Kyaaaa!" Tommy shouted as he dropped down from above. He hit you twice before you made your way around the other edge of the outcropping, getting a few good hits in. 

It wasn't enough however. You glanced down at your health. Two last quivering hearts hung on at the end of the strand. 

You would need some sort of upper hand if you were going to take this.

Luckily for you, you had a last-ditch effort up your sleeve. 

"Hey, Tommy." You said. "Did I tell you yet that I'm coming to the meetup this weekend?"

"Wait, really?" Tommy asked. He suddenly sounded excited. 

"Yeah." You said, getting ready to attack. 

"That's awesome!" Tommy said. "We'll get to hang out, wha- hey!"

You took the opening to attack Tommy again, killing him with a few well placed critical hits. His items dropped to the ground and you collected them.

"Not fair!" Tommy said. "And you better give me my items back!"

You just laughed. "All is fair in love and war."

The only response you got was grumbling on his end of the call. 

GAME OVER // TommyInnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now