Quidditch Match and Dementors

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Professor Dumbledore sent all the Gryffindors back to the Great Hall, where they were joined ten minutes later by the students from Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin, who all looked extremely confused.

"The teachers and I need to conduct a thorough search of the castle," Professor Dumbledore told them as Professor McGonagall and Flitwick closed all doors into the hall. "I'm afraid that, for your own safety, you will have to spend the night here. I want the perfects to stand guard over the entrances to the hall, and I am leaving the Head Boy and Girl in charge. Any disturbance should be reported to me immediately," he added to Percy, who was looking immensely proud and important. "Send word with one of the ghosts."

Her grandfather paused, about to leave the hall, and said, "Oh, yes, you'll be needing..."

One casual wave of his wand and the long tables flew to the edges of the hall and stood themselves against the wall; another wave, and the floor was covered with hundreds of squashy purple sleeping bags.

"Sleep well," said Professor Dumbledore, closing the door behind him.

The hall immediately began to buzz excitedly; the Gryffindors were telling the rest of the school what had just happened.

"Everyone into their sleeping bags!" shouted Percy. "Come on, now, no more talking! Lights out in ten minutes!"

"C'mon," Ron said to Harry, Hermione, and Estella; they seized four sleeping bags and dragged them into a corner.

"Do you think Black's still in the castle?" Hermione whispered anxiously. Estella shuddered at the thought.

"Dumbledore obviously thinks he might be," said Ron.

"It's very lucky he picked tonight, you know," said Hermione as they climbed fully dressed into their sleeping bags and propped themselves on their elbows to talk. "The one night we weren't in the tower..."

"I reckon he's lost track of time, being on the run," said Ron. "Didn't realize it was Halloween. Otherwise, he'd have come bursting in here." Estella shuddered at the thought. 

Harry glanced at her; out of vision from Ron and Hermione, Harry's arm shot forward, taking her hand into his. Estella glanced over to see his emerald eyes looking back at her. Estella warmed as he ran his thumb over the top of her hand. Something about him made her feel as though everything would be all right.

He leaned toward her, both ignoring Hermione, who was flabbergasted that her classmates didn't know apparition into Hogwarts was impossible.

"You remember what I said our first year," he whispered.

Estella nodded, "You said, "Can't get rid of me that easily, Essy." Of course, I remember." It was after they faced Voldermort, who was attached to the back of Professor Quirrel's head.

"Do you remember what you said back?"

Estella couldn't fight the grin that became etched on her face, "I didn't, I hit you, and then you collapsed."

His laugh was cut off as Percy's loud voice rang throughout the Great Hall, "The lights are going out now! I want everyone in their sleeping bags and no more talking!"

The candles all went out at once. The only light now came from the silvery ghosts, who were drifting about talking seriously to perfects, and the enchanted ceiling, which, like the sky outside, was scattered with stars. What with that, and the whispering that filled the hall, Estella felt as though she were sleeping outdoors with a light wind.

Estella drifted into a vivid sleep, aware of Harry's hand still holding hers between the two.


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