HNA 35

570 21 17

Katsuki's POV

(Y/N) leaved the classroom and started talking someone to his phone before Cementoss sensei leaved us and gave us a free time since principal Nezu is calling her

My other classmate started talking about their topic, while i was just sitting in my desk

It's been five minutes since (Y/N) leaved the room?

I look outside and saw her in front of our classroom standing at first she noticed me looking at her

She gave me a smile made my heart suddenly become beating faster than normal

Once we broke our eye contact she continued talking to her phone

'Tch...her smile is annoying!...and cute' I thought while playing at my pen

After i realized what did i just say i quickly snap out of it and become annoyed.

"Grr...what the hell am I talking about" i mumbled as I snap into two the pen.

Deku noticed me talking and look at me "Are you alright, Kachaan?" he asked made me even more angry

I turned my back to him with my angry face "None of your business!!! damn Deku!"

He became scared as usual while i look back outside to see if (Y/N) is done.

I saw her said something to that Round face before walking away, made me curious of where is she going.

Shitty glasses and Round face came back inside in our classroom and started talking about (Y/N)

"Iida-kun, is (Y/N) crying?"

My eyes widened and quickly look at Uraraka, Iida shrugged his shoulder while placing his finger in his chin

"That's what i want to know too, but when i was about to approach her outside you appeared beside me"

Glasses explain made her scratch the back of her neck.

Out of curiosity i stood up and walk heading out but Iida prevent me leaving.

"Where are you going? we are not allowed to go outside while waiting for-"

I become annoyed and cut him from talking "I'm going to restroom!" i said

He removed his hand Infront of me and bowed "I apologize, you may now go"

He said made me continue walking, i saw (Y/N) walking in the hallway while she's holding her phone. I followed her

She step down in the stairway and stop when we are in the middle and step a side.

I also stop but i hide so she will not see me.

"You're so unfair... Ryu-chan"

(Y/N) said with a crack voice while sobbing


The old man taking care of her?

I do remember his name by (Y/N) telling me about him when i was a child. Ryu is the man who taking care of her

(Y/N) did told me about their ancestors serving her when she became immortal.

Is she crying? why did something happened to him?

My eyes widened as she sobs like she doesn't care if someone sees her, but she really doesn't want someone to saw her crying

When I'm still a kid she really hates to cry when someone is looking at her.

𝐇𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐲 𝐍𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐀𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now