Reading Challenge: HOW IT WILL WORK

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I have decided to start my very own version of a reading challenge!

I will be reading the first 5 chapters (maybe more or less) of 10 books each week.

After the week, I will be posting my review for your book, based on a 'star' rating (more on that later).

I have found that there is an incredible amount of underrated writers on Wattpad and I want to help get them discovered... and in the process I might find a new favorite book.

One of the problems I've noticed with other 'Awards' is that there are multiple judges. Some judges are harsher than others and sometimes the books with the 'nicer' judges get the better score.

I'm not saying that the winners don't deserve the praise, but this method makes it slightly unfair.

There are some things I will ask all the participants for that specific week to do, but more on that in the rules section.

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