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Tubbo left after the movie. Which was sad on it's own, but considering the circumstances...

After the movie, you wandered around for a bit more, chatting and vlogging, before Tubbo had to leave. After saying goodbye for the night, Alex had approached Wilbur with an idea. 

"We should go out to a pub tonight,have a pint. You, me and Niki." 

Wilbur had loved that. 

Of course, you couldn't go to a bar, being a minor. So you opted to hang out in the hotel room, which would have been fine on it's own, if Tommy didn't also need a place to go.

Which is how the current situation arose. 

You. And Tommy. Alone. In a hotel room.

It was oh so awkward.

"So." Tommy broke the silence. 

"So." You responded. Where was the ease at which you had talked to him all day? It was different with everyone else around and when you were doing things though. There were other things to focus on then, instead of the way that Tommy's eyes were so blue, or that the way he laughed was downright adorable-

You needed a distraction right away. 

Your eyes fell on a deck of cards that had been sitting on the desk since you and Alex had checked in. Cards. You could play cards. 

"Do you know any card games?" You asked. 

"Can't say I do." Tommy said. "Why?"

"We have a deck over there, and I don't know, it'd just be something to do instead of sitting around." You said, leaning over to grab the deck of cards. You scooted back against the headboard of the bed you were sitting on, making room for Tommy to sit at the foot, and to have space to lay the cards between you. You shuffled the deck, glad to have something to do with your hands.

Tommy plopped down at the foot of the bed, crossing his legs in front of him. "Have anything specific in mind?"

You shrugged. "I know a couple games. Poker, Gin, Pinochle, but you need more people for that. We could always just play Go Fish or War too."

Tommy pondered for a moment, just watching you shuffle the deck. "I've always wanted to know how to play poker." He said. "Like all the spies in the old black and white movies."

"It's pretty easy actually." You said, beginning to deal the cards. You placed two in front of Tommy and then two in front of yourself. "You can look at those ones, but don't tell me what you have."

Tommy peeked at his cards as you dealt the next two, face up on the bed. 

"Now," You said, looking between the cards. "We would bet if we had any money. You use the cards that I put face up with the ones in your hand. You want to try and make either pairs, three or four of a kind, a straight or a flush."

"What's a straight and a flush?" Tommy asked. 

"So a straight is when it goes in numerical order, like two, three, four, five, six. A flush is when you have five diamonds, or five spades, just five of the same suit. A straight has to be five cards too." You said. 

Tommy nodded. You dealt the rest of the cards and then put the deck aside, looking at what you had. It looked like a pair of queens over a pair of fives was the best you were going to get out of this hand. 

You arranged the cards in front of you. "What have you got?" 

Tommy laid down a royal straight. "A straight, I think." 

You laughed, gathering up your cards. "How'd you get one of the best sets in the game on your first hand? That's not fair."

Tommy swiped together his cards as well. "It must be because I'm such a powerful man." He said, dropping them in your hand. 

You tried to ignore the tingle in your fingers as his hand brushed over yours. 

"Another game?" You asked, nervously shuffling the cards again. 

You and Tommy played for a while, eventually switching from Poker to Gin. Tommy proved to be quite good at both games, giving you a solid whooping. Though, you weren't exactly on the top of your game. As much as you tried, you were a bit distracted by the boy in front of you. 

It was like he was magnetic. Every time he laughed or smiled, you could feel yourself being drawn to him even more. He was so bright and warm and full of energy. The same urge from earlier at the movie theater was there, and his hands were so close. You just wanted to grab on and never let go. 

But instead, you just shuffled the cards and dealt another game. 

"You're awfully good at this." You said, watching Tommy's thinking face as he played. 

"What can I say, I'm a gamer." He said, discarding the ten of spades. You reached for the deck instead. 

"Yeah, but I didn't think that carried across to cards." You said. You glanced over your hand, choosing a six of diamonds to discard. 

Tommy snatched the card up right away. "Gin." He said, laying down his hand. Three sixes, three eights and a straight of spades looked back up at you.

You sighed, mocking exasperation, and laid down your cards with a flip of the hand. "I can't with you."

Tommy flopped on the bed, laying over the cards and looking up at you with mischief in his eyes. "I can't help it. I'm juts an absolute legend when it comes to cards."

"Oh shut up." You said, shoving his shoulder playfully. "It's beginners luck, you just started playing today-"

"I wasn't the one daydreaming in the middle of the game." Tommy said. 

You snapped your mouth shut. 

"Did you think I didn't notice?" He grinned. "You were just staring off into space half the time. I could have cheated and you wouldn't have even noticed."

You pursed your lips. "Sorry."

"It's fine." Tommy said. "What were you thinking about?"

You. The word was on the edge of your lips. If you said it now, he would know. You played with it in your mouth, rolling your tongue around the letters. 

Tommy's phone buzzed, breaking your concentration. He checked it quickly. "My ride is out front." He said, getting up. He was still looking at you for an answer. 

"Just all the school work I have to do." You spat out. "Night."

Tommy grinned. "Yeah, you might want to do that. Night Y/N."

And with that, he was gone, and you laid down in the pile of cards, thinking about how much of a coward you were. 

GAME OVER // TommyInnit x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now