Chapter 3

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Oh, just to let you guys know, since Lovino is the descandent of Rome, he can speak Latin. So can Feliciano...okay, notice is over!

The man, clearly terrified, scrambles backwards across the floor. "P-please! D-don't kill me! I'll pay him back, I swear!" Lovino, a grimace set into his face, shakes his head. "I am very sorry, but it must be this way. Requiescat in pache."  The gun fires, and the man falls to the floor, lifeless. The italian man bends down and shuts his glassy eyes for the last time. He takes in a shuddering breath and quietly sobs. After a few minutes, he rises to his feet again. He turns to leave, holstering the weapon in the same movement. As he lights a cigarrett, he murmurs, "I need to see mi fratello..."


"Romano! Ciao, mi fratello! What are you doing in Mr.Germany's country?" Lovino looks uncomfortable, but smiles softly at his younger brother. "Ciao, Feliciano. Just to let you know, I go by Lovino now." The younger Italian is shocked. "Why? I like calling you Romano better!" Lovino scowls in irritation, but nods towards his younger brother. "I am just Lovino now." Germany walks over to the two brothers, gently placing a hand on the younger italian's shoulder. "Vhat a suprise...vhy did you come over?" The older italian shakes his head. "I need to talk to mi private,potato bastard!" Germany looks shocked, but nods to Italy to go with his brother. The pair walk away, surrounded by Feliciano's rapid Italian babble echoing off of the trees.

Requiescat in pache-Rest in Peace

Thanks for reading! More updates to come later Ciao!  ^w^


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