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May 1st 1998

"You need to open your mouth wider for this to work." he explained. "Relax your jaw. C'mon Liz, it's not that hard."

"Yes it fucking is!" I snapped, trying to act mad though I couldn't help but laugh. "Seriously Charlie. My mouth isn't that big."

"Then how am I supposed to get in it?"

"Just throw it."

He shrugged and took a step back while I tilted my head back, opening my mouth. He aimed and then threw the gummy bear, leaving me to do the rest. I moved around, trying to catch it with my mouth and then I did. The both of us cheered and I hugged him.

"See! I told you it would work." I laughed. "You don't need a big mouth for that."

"I suppose you were right." he offered a smile as Bill came rushing downstairs with Fleur following close behind. "What's going on?"

I glanced at Charlie's face when he asked the question, but then looked at the two. Bill had a letter in his hands.

"This." Bill gestured to the letter in his hand. "Is from Neville Longbottom."

"Neville?" Kathleen asked as her, George, Fred and Deanne joined us after they had sat and talked in the living room. George placed himself behind me, hands on my waist in a comforting way. I guess we all had a feeling about what was in that letter.

"Where's Lee?" Bill asked. "He needs to be here too."

"He's upstairs with Evelyn." Kathleen said. "I'll go get him."

She made her way upstairs and I followed her with my eyes before looking at Bill. "It's happening, isn't it?"

He nodded.

I turned my head and looked at George. Our eyes met and he tried comforting me with a small smile. Kathleen came back only short after, holding Evelyn while Lee came after them.

"Okay." Bill breathed. "Ron, Harry and Hermione arrived in Hogsmeade earlier. They're in the castle and Snape knows they're there so we need to go immediately. It's our duty as members of the Order and Dumbledore's Army."

At the mention of Dumbledore's Army, he motioned towards Lee. "The rest of the order and the army should already have been called for."

"What about Ollivander?" Deanne asked.

"We've told him he can stay." Fleur said. "It's not yet safe for any of us but as Bill said. We have a duty."

"We're leaving in five minutes with apparition." Bill said. "I think that gives us all time to prepare emotionally."

I let out a shaky breath before I turned around to look at George. "Die and I will murder you."

"We'll be back." Kathleen said. "Lee's parents will take care of Evelyn while we're gone."

Her and Lee apparated out of here with Evelyn and I looked back up at George who looked scared, though trying to hide.

"C'mon." Fred laughed, interrupting our moment. "This is going to be fun. To beat the death eaters butts. No one's going die tonight my friends."

"Hopefully you're right." I said and gave him a hug before I turned back to George. "It's okay if you're scared. You don't need to hide it from me. I'm scared too."

"Just don't leave my side alright?" he asked. "This has nothing to do with when you left but rather that this is war, we're going into battle and I can't stand to lose you like this."

"You won't." I assured him. "Just like I won't lose you. We'll be alright."

Kathleen and Lee came back shortly after and I hugged them because I knew it was hard for them to leave their daughter to go be a part of something that might turn into a battle. We have no idea what is going to happen but we do know it has something to do with death eaters and that almost always turns into a battle.

"We're all going to apparate to the room of requirement." Bill said. "From thereon we will figure out what we have to do."

He went first. He grabbed Fleur's hand and apparated out of here. Next went Kathleen and Lee, Charlie, Deanne and Fred and then George and I...

This one was only 600+ words, I usually reach 700+ but it felt right to end it here...

One and Only 2 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now