Knock Knock

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Have this while I'm thinking of a way to start the chapter! Consider it as a late chapter gift thing. Chapter written out of desperation and boredom. My immortal references and Hogwarts school of orayers and miracles and also Drapple.

I'm not high, I swear.

I'm not high, I swear

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Y/n sighed as he stabbed the bland scrambled eggs with his fork, muttering curses as he did so. At one point he said "Avada Kedavra" which practically made everyone on a three mile radius flinch.

The great hall was as usual, full of chattering, bumbling idiots who talked with their mouth full. That included him, of course.

He put the egg into his mouth, the room growing silent all of the sudden. The candles blew out and everything seemed to disappear as the boy fell onto his arse.

"What in tarnation." He said, swearing he could see a cow boy hat slowly drifting towards him. He stood up, looking around the now, dark empty room.

"Those eggs were cursed!" He thought to himself, gasping. "No wonder they were bland."

He started to walk, though he had no idea where to go. Every where he looked all he could see was darkness. "Draco?" he called out instinctively, only to be met with silence.

The boy huffed, stopping and looking around once more. Again, there was literally nothing.

"Knock knock"

Y/n spun around, yelping as he heard the raspy voice. Was this disembodied voice the cause of all his problems?

"uh- Who's there?" he replied, as you should.

"You know."

"You know who?"


There stood in front of him was the man with no nose. Y/n opened his mouth to scream, but decided against it and pointed finger guns towards the evil bugger. "Aye, that was smooth"

"I try" Voldemort said. "Now thou must kill Harry Potter or thou know will shall happen to thy beloved Draco"

"Where did this come from-" Y/n said, furrowing his brows. "ENOBYYYY" The man screeched, thunder strinking behind him.

The raven head raised a brow, "WHO THE BLOODY HELL IS ENOBY?!" He looked around, then down on himself, only to see goffik corsets and layers of hot topic clothes.

"What the- What is a hot topic?" Y/n asked, looking up at Voldemort only to see no one. He looked around for the nth time, absolutely confused.

"Good mornin'" He heard, thick country accent piercing his eardrums. The boy looked up to see Hagrid, "Oh, thank god- Hagrid you're here I was just having the craziest-"

"Yer a christian now, Harry" Y/n took a step back, landing on his arse once more and landing on his back. There he saw Petunia, the filthy business woman and Vernon, holding a tray of (weed) brownies.

The raven head felt himself get pulled up, "But I'm not Har-" He was cut off by Hagrid kneeling on the ground. "Oh Lord, please bring us to Hogwarts, school of prayer and miracles!"

He suddenly felt nauseous, it was like using the Floo powder, but worse. He was back at the great hall, but somehow it was different, all black.

"...I must be pissed." He muttered to himself as he looked down on the bowl of cereal infront of him. Next to it was a box that said "Countchocula"

The boy looked to the side to see Draco and Harry fighting over the chair next him. "I wanna shit next to him!" Draco yelled.

"No I do!" Harry yelled back.

The blonde punched the brunette "Fuck off, Enbooby doesn't like you, fucking poser"

"Who in Salazar's beard is Enbooby?" Y/n sobbed into his oatmeal.

Just as he did he suddenly felt nauseous again, now he was back at the dorms. "Oh, Merlin, I must've been dreami-"

His thoughts were cut off by Draco, who was snogging an apple loudly, if that was even possible. "Oh I'm still dreaming. Someone wake me up."

"Oh apple, no one will ever interfere with our love" Draco growled, glaring at the Potter. "Especially not h i m"

He took out his wand and pointed it towards Y/n, who at this point was done with it all. "CROOKSHANKS"

Bang flash, the lighting crashed but thats another story, nevermind.


"Y/n? Y/n? Love? Are you alright?"

Y/n's eyes fluttered open, groaning as he turned to the side, the sunlignt too bright for him. "Wake up, love. Mum will get suspicious.."

"Suspicious of what..?" The boy said, covering himself with the sheets. "You know we weren't supposed to sleep on the same bed right? Especially not shag"

Y/n's eyes bolted open at those words, kicking the sheets off of him. "Of fuck, Ron, What time is it?"

"Half past nine, now come on before we get an earful"

"For fucks sake Weasley, I can't even bloody walk!"

Ron sighed, rolling his eyes as he plopped down the bed with the Potter. "Might aswell" he muttered.

"Hey, I just had the strangest dream" Y/n started as the red head pulled him closer. He began to explain what happened in the dream and then..


"Angel? Dearest? Ugh- Wake up!"


"OW- OW- I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME!" Y/n hissed, rubbing his face as he glared at Malfoy.

Draco crossed his arms, "We're late for potions." he said. The Potter rolled his eyes, covering himself with sheets again, "Big deal, Drakie-poo. Sod off to Pansy or something."

The boy heard the blonde sigh, seconds later he was being lifted into the air and now on the pure-blood's shoulders. "What the troll bogey in the arse cheek- Let me go!"

Long story short, Y/n attented Potions in his sleeping garments that day, relieved that he was no longer dreaming.

Or perhaps he was still dreaming after all.

𝐄𝐏𝐎𝐂𝐇. Draco MalfoyWhere stories live. Discover now