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I'm so sorry about this...

I had joined Neville on the bridge again. I just needed to make sure the twins were alright. Kathleen was helping Luna and Harry and I had no idea where Deanne was. George was alright with me leaving again because he could see me from where he was at.

Ginny and some other students were here as well, looking to see if it worked. If what Seamus did, worked. Suddenly violent blast was shot at the bubble and the grounds shook. I had to hold onto the railing to not fall. I looked up and the bubble started to crumble. It started to fade away, to break into pieces. It all started to crumble down and land among us. It was scary and it meant that soon, the death eaters would be able to attack.

The bubble that used to be blue, started turning into red as it continued to fall apart. I looked at Ginny who looked at me and we automatically grabbed each others hands. She was sixteen years old but she had decided to stay and help fight instead of following the rules. I decided to join Neville at the end of the bridge in case he needed any help so I let go of Ginny's hand and walked down to where he stood.

The death eaters stood there. Well, not everyone but at least hundreds snatchers and so. They stood there and they were so close, eyes focused on us. My father wasn't one of them. A red piece of the bubble fell from the sky and towards them. Scabior who was in the front, picked up his wand and the red piece fell onto it.

"Oh shit." I muttered. Scabior lifted his foot, slowly placing it down where the bubble should be blocking but it was completely gone down and he could put his foot all the way down. He looked at us, an evil smirk on his lips. My heart was racing and I was sweating. Scabior then let out a scream that declared war and everyone followed him as they sprinted towards us.

Neville and I turned around as quickly as possible and started running back towards the others. We didn't say a word. We just kept running for our lives. I was a bit ahead of him but he was right behind. The snatchers and death eaters started to enter the bridge, slowly catching up with us. They started firing towards us but we fired back. Neville threw the firework he had in his hand and it started falling down to where Seamus had tampered with the bridge. It blew up and slowly the bridge started falling apart behind us. No more spells were fired towards us as now even the snatchers tired to stay alive. Though they kept falling down and soon there were only three behind us, Scabior being one of them.

I reached the end where Ginny greeted me by hugging me but when we looked back, Neville wasn't there. Everyone had fallen down, including him.

"Neville!" Ginny shouted.

"No..." I muttered to myself as we watched carefully. Then a wand was being thrown up and a pair of hands grabbed onto the wooden floor, trying to pull themselves up. Ginny and I both took a step forward, carefully. Then Neville showed and I let out a sigh of relief.

"That went well." he said as he looked at us before pulling himself up completely. I gave him a hand but as soon as he got up, black skies came floating towards the castle and it wasn't regular skies. It was death eaters. Along with them came the trolls. The same kind of trolls that invaded the castle in my third year at Hogwarts. The one that nearly killed Harry, Ron and Hermione. Even more snatchers were running towards the castle grounds and this was our cue to flee.

Trolls were ruining the statues that guarded the viaduct, death eaters were casting spells, firing to ruin them too and between them, I saw Flitwick trying to flee. I bit my lip as I watched the scene. I hated this. I hated seeing someone in danger, especially because I couldn't help.

"Liz! C'mon!" Ginny called as she grabbed my arm. While Hogwarts was now fully under attack, McGonagall guided everyone to run inside and find somewhere to hide. I looked up on the catwalk and the twins weren't there anymore. Then there came explosions from up there. Inside of the Quad battlement. Arthur was in there... fuck. I followed Ginny inside. Panic was filling the castle. Students were fleeing, scared for their lives and honestly, I was scared for my life as well. People were screaming and I saw someone, a death eater at the top of the stairs, threatening the students so I did what everyone else would do.

I cast a spell and the death eater flew through the air, fell over the railing and landed on such a distance that he couldn't have survived. Ginny, Neville and I ran up the stairs where Harry was.

"Ginny! Neville! Lizzie!" he shouted and we stopped to hear what he had to say. "Are you alright?"

"Never better!" Neville responded, high on adrenaline while I simply nodded and Ginny was out of breath. "I feel like I could spit fire! Haven't seen Luna, have you?"

"Luna?" Harry asked. He was holding Ginny's wrist.

"I'm mad for her! Think it's about time I told her in case we'll both be dead by dawn!" then Neville ran off to find the girl he likes.

"How about you?" Harry asked me.

"I don't know where anyone is." I told him. "Fred, George, Kathleen. My family."

"I'm sorry but I don't know either." he said and I nodded, thanking him before I continued running off. I needed to find them. Just anyone. I needed to know that just one of the people I know were safe. I needed to know that my husband was safe. That Evelyn's parents were safe. That my pregnant cousin was safe and that Fred was safe because he was going to be a father. We all had lives to return to so none of us could lose it. I wouldn't allow it.

"Thank god!" I breathed when I reached the outside of the room of requirement and saw Fred and... Percy?

They were both fighting a death eater and I quickly jumped in to help. It didn't take long before we blasted him through the hallways and down the stairs.

"Liz!" Fred pulled me into a hug. "You're okay!"

"So are you." I smiled. "Have you seen George?"

"No." he shook his head, looking at Percy. "We haven't seen him."

"And you." I turned to his older brother. "You're... back?"

"I was just apologising for my behaviour." he told me. "Watch out!"

I ducked as he fired a spell over me and when I turned, a now dead death eater was lying there. I thanked Percy and suddenly the current minister came running, shooting a spell at me that had me flying across the room, my body hitting the wall. Fred and Percy were both quick to respond as they started dulling him.

"Hello minister!" Percy shouted over the noise as he sent a jinx in the direction of Thicknesse who dropped his wand and fell to his knees, clutching onto his robes as if he was in discomfort. "Did I mention I'm resigning?"

Fred face changed as he let out a laugh and looked at his brother. You're joking, Perce!"

Thickness had fallen to the ground, stunned by three spells and his body started dissolving into some form of sea urchin.

"You actually are joking, Perce... I don't think I've ever heard you joke since you were–"

One and Only 2 ; George WeasleyWhere stories live. Discover now