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We got Fred to the Great Hall...

George saw him...

Kathy saw him...

The Weasleys saw him...

I was sat next to his body, my knees pulled up to my chest as I rocked back and forth. I was biting down on finger, though it was dirty and full of stained blood from killing my father but biting down on dirt and blood was the least of my worries. I was staring straight at Fred. After a while we could close his eyes so it just looked like he was sleeping.

He was just sleeping...

Ron had just gotten here. He was hugging George who was crying violently. My heart was broken and I knew it could never be healed again.

I watched as Ron got to his knees, next to Fred, holding onto him as he cried while Molly stayed strong and rubbed her hand over her son's red hair.

Deanne was sitting next to Molly. She had cried her eyes dry just like me. Neither of us cried or said anything. We just stared at the whole situation.

How was I going to move on from this? How was I going to go back to the shop and the flat without him being there. How was George and I going to live in that flat and see his room and his untouched things, knowing he will never be there again, knowing he will never sleep in that bed or touch those things.

What about the alcohol we left behind? His favorite kind of firewhisky that he always reminded us not to touch because it was for a special occasion.

"Oi! Don't touch that! I just bought it and I'm saving it!"

"For what?" I asked, looking at the bottle of firewhisky in my hand.

"For when we've won this bloody war!" He replied with a grin on his face. "It'll be worth it. Just you and Georgie, Kathy, Lee, Deanne and I sharing a bottle of firewhisky to celebrate that we made it out of the bloody war alive!"

The memory of him made me cry again but this time I hid it as I hid my face in my arms. I cried and I cried and I cried.

"Make room, make room." I heard Charlie say. He was helping carrying bodies in. Everything was quiet for now. Voldemort gave Harry an hour to turn himself in and if not, everyone would die. I looked up to see Charlie and Oliver Wood carry someone in and when I recognized who it was, my heart dropped.

Why was this happening? Why did people I loved keep dying? I let out a cry as I pulled myself to my feet. I tumbled to where they walked with the carrier. Both stopped walking when they saw me.

"No." I cried, brushing my hand over his forehead. "You were supposed to be in America. What the hell were you doing here?"

Charlie and Oliver looked at me but then found a place to put him.

"Do you know him?" Oliver asked while Charlie went over to hug and comfort me.

"He's my brother." I cried. "He's only fourteen. He was supposed to be in America until the war was over!"

I got out of Charlie's grip and fell to the ground next to Benjamin. I started crying even harder than I already was. I couldn't take it. All this pain. Seeing my best friend and now seeing my baby brother dead.

"You're so stupid." I cried, brushing over his forehead repeatedly. "Why were you here? You weren't supposed to be here."

I looked towards Fred on the other side of the aisle that had been made of dead bodies, and then I looked at Ben.

"Fuck this. I can't do this."

"Liz." Charlie said softly when I got up to leave.

"No." I cried. "I need to get away from this."

I hurried out of the Great Hall as quickly as possible. As soon as I was past the doors, I ran outside into the courtyard and fell to my knees as a scream emerged from deep down my throat.

"Elizabeth." I heard King speak. I looked up as he approached me.

"No!" I told him. "You tried to make me leave Fred!"

I stood up. "They're fucking dead! I lost my best friend and now my brother is dead too!"

"Your brother? Sebastian's—"

"I don't know where the fuck Sebastian is!" I screamed. "He's probably dead too but Benjamin... he's fourteen years old and he is dead! I thought he was in America! I thought he was safe! Badger was supposed to protect him but now he's gone and he's not gonna get the opportunity to grow up into a young man! He never got to visit the flat! He so wanted to visit the flat some day but he's never going to! Everything is ruined! My entire life! I can't do this anymore!"

"Hey, hey." He tried to approach me but I stepped away again.

"It hurts." I cried. "It hurts so bad. I want it to stop. King, please make it stop. It's hurting."

"I know it is." He said. "I know how you're feeling and it's going to hurt for a while but eventually you'll be able to live with it. You'll be able to live with the memories. You'll think back and you won't cry."

"No!" I screamed. "I've lost everything! I've lost my mum! I've lost my baby! My brother and my best friend! There is nothing left..."

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around me from behind and first I tried to struggle but when I heard George whisper for me to relax, I did.

I closed my eyes and leaned my head back against his chest. My knees gave in and I fell but he voluntarily fell with me and then just held me on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, Georgie." I cried. "I'm so fucking sorry. It's all my fault."

"No it's not." He whispered as he had me turned around in his arms, my face against his chest. He pressed a kiss to my forehead. "It's not your fault."

"He's the reason Fred's dead." I cried. I looked up at him, tears still running down my cheek. "But I— I killed him. I killed my father. I made him pay."

"I know." He nodded, eyes full of tears as he stroke hair out of my face and kissed my forehead again.

"And now Ben." I said, my lips starting to tremble again. "I can't do it. I can't do it anymore."

"Yes you can." He told me. "We are both going to get through this together. We are going to live our lives the way Fred would want us to continue. I didn't know Ben too well but I am sure he would want that too. For you to continue your life and find happiness again."

I laid my head against his chest again and we continued to cry together.

King probably didn't know what to say. He knew the pain. He lost his older brother in an accident many years ago. My other cousin.

Ben wasn't King's cousin. Ben was the son of my mother and my stepfather but King is the son of my father's brother. He didn't even have a relationship with Ben. He probably didn't even care that he was dead.

Or that I was... broken.

Alright, this will be the last one for tonight. It's 1am and I have school in the morning.


- Julie

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