Chapter 5

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Namjoon was outside on his phone, waiting in front of the dressing room Yeona was in, surrounded by paper bags full of clothes, accessories, shoes, skin care products and a bit of makeup. Of course Yeona didn't have a say in whether she wanted them or not since she didn't really know what half the products were and their purpose.

She still appreciated it though, promising herself to learn how to use the products and find her sense of fashion. That way they wouldn't have to buy so much stuff at once. Trusting Geong min with picking everything out was probably a bad idea.

Yeona looked at her reflection in the big mirror, trying out the 15th outfit, she was wearing a pair of blue skinny jeans that fit her nicely, a white loose crop top that didn't show much of her skin —which was to her relief— and a leather jacket. Deciding to show Namjoon, she opened the door and stepped out in front of him.

"What do you think?" Namjoon looked up from his phone.


"That looks great! You should get that. Here try these on now." Geongmin suddenly appeared holding another pile of outfits for Yeona to try.

Namjoon cleared his throat. "You know what I'm kind of hungry. Why don't we get something to eat? Just take all of those," he gestured to everything Geong min was holding and the ones in the dressing room. "and I'll wait for you at the counter."

"Hyung!" they turned around to see Jimin running into the store, a white paper bag in hand. "Sorry I had to get a new Ipad, what did I miss?"

"Yeona was just trying out her new outfits, we're going out to eat. You should come." Jimin gave a curt nod and looked at Yeona, his eyes widened at her new look.

"Ooooo damn girl, you look like Jungkook." he laughed taking his phone out and snapping a pic. Yeona rushed to look at the picture and she smacked Jimin lightly on the arm.

"Oppa! I look stupid!" the picture was fine, her outfit was cute. It was her face that looked stupid, her face contorted in the picture looking like she was constipated.

"Exactly, like Jungkook." he laughed and Namjoon chuckled shaking his head. "What are you dorks in the mood for?"


Yeona and Jimin say in unison, with wide eyes, they stare at eachother and burst out laughing.

"I'm liking her more and more hyung!" Jimin said in between giggles.

Rolling his eyes at their ridiculousness, Namjoon turns to face Yeona. "Are you wearing that today or are you changing back into your clothes from before?"

"You should wear it." Jimin said, crossing his arms, a satisfied look on his face as he checked Yeona's outfit out. "Jungkook is probably wearing the same thing. Just wear the Dr. Martins with that."

"Alright, I will."

Their conversation was suddenly cut short when they heard a grunt, turning around Yeona saw her aunt Geong min carrying the pile of clothes she got from the dressing room. And it was a lot. Namjoon and Jimin rushed to help her out, just as Yeona was about to lend a hand, Jimin waved her away telling her to go put shoes on as she was barefoot. She obeyed relcutantly.

Watching them struggle to carry all the stuff, she felt quite guilty, Namjoon probably spent a lot on her already. She did ask him to slow down but he insisted she needed these things which left her helpless. Not wanting to be rude, she just accepted it.

Jimin had his hands over Yeona's eyes once they made their way to the cash register. Namjoon didn't really care how much they spent, he had more than enough to pay for everything. He was just worried that Yeona would feel bad so he told Jimin to shield her eyes. She had her complaints, but decided to just shut up. Eventually Jimin got tired and just took her out of the store along with Geong min. They stayed in the car to prevent them from being seen and catching anyone's attention. 

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