chapter 6

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(time skip cuz I can)

//kian pov//

It's been a few weeks since the kiss and ever since jc has been giving me mixed emotions. One day he would be all over me and acting cocky & flirty, then the next he'd be evidently checking out girls when I'm around. I mean, I enjoy the attention, but I wish he wouldn't toy with me like this.

I walked into the living room to find sam sat in his usual sofa crease, watching Comedy Central. Just who I need to talk to. I sat down next to him in silence for a moment or two, collecting my thoughts. He sensed I needed to have a somewhat serious talk with him, because I'm usually loud. Sam turned to me and smiled, asking me what's up.

"Sam.... You know how I really like jc?" I said in a hushed tone, just incase someone was snooping.

"Yep" he chirped, popping open a bag of Doritos.

"well he's been acting weird lately, like, some days I think he might like me back and other days I'm 99.9% sure he's completely straight because of the way he acts. He talks about hot girls and it's like he knows I'll get jealous cuz he always peeks over at me to see my reaction! I'm so confused!" I huffed, sinking into the couch even more. Sam nodded, deep in thought.

"I get where you're coming from bro. Were doing an ask o2l video tomorrow so how about you pretend to be interested in me to get his attention. I could even kiss you on the cheek if you're up for it." He said thoughtfully. My eyes lit up from hearing his plan.

"That's a great idea! Tank yew saam!" I said in a baby voice before taking a handful of his Doritos and stuffing my face.

(Next day after ask o2l video)

//jc pov//

I fixed my bandana and plopped down onto Connors bed, where I was currently bugging him about our video for his channel tomorrow. Connor was laying on his stomach, helping Ricky edit the o2l video from earlier. That video was zero fun. I had a terrible time. Kian didn't notice me the whole time, but he plenty of time for Sam. Sam kissed him on the fuckin cheek! If I was still unsure about my feelings before today, my jealousy sure confirmed it. I really thought kian liked me but I guess I was wrong. I let out an annoyed groan and stomped my feet off the floor.

"Jc I swear to the tumblr gods If you do that one more time I will choke you." Connor stated monotonously, eyes glued to the screen of his laptop.

"Whatever." I said, annoyance distinct in my voice.

"Anything wrong?" Ricky questioned, leaning back against the headboard.

"Not at all" I fake smiled.


//kian pov//

"Sam why didn't it work? He didn't even acknowledge anything going in between us!! He definitely doesn't like me.." Liking jc has turned me into a such a sook and a mushy clueless idiot, but I can't help it. I wish he liked me. Maybe that kiss was a mistake too.

Sam rolled his eyes. "Kian don't be so hard on yourself. He might've been pretending not to care, but he definitely saw. His eyes were the size of plates!"

"Whatever. It's hopeless. Thanks for trying to help though, I'm going to the store with connor and Trevor to get some water balloons for tomorrow's video. See ya later man" I halfheartedly waved bye to sam before exiting the living room. Jc and Ricky were entering as I was leaving. I was nearly out the front door when jc called out

"Hey kian!" His tone of voice was so cheerful it sounded fake. I hesitated before answering.

"Uh, hi? Gotta go" I stammered before traipsing down the steps to Connors car.


//jc pov//

I can't believe it! He does like Sam! Why else would he be so nervous and eager to leave. I've been played a fool I guess.

"So sam, uhm, what's up with you and kian?" I awkwardly scratched the back of my neck and tried not too sound extremely fucking pissed.

Sam looked at me with a puzzled expression, but quickly recovered, understanding what I meant. "Oh that? That's nothing dude! Were just really right, ya know? Why do you ask?"

I pretended that I never heard his question, but Ricky started teasing me.

"Somebody sounds JEA-LOUS!" Ricky states in a high pitched voice, throwing himself onto the couch laughing. I looked at floor, begging the heat rising to my cheeks to haunt before the guys notice. "Is justin caylen actually jealous?" Sam says in a moving tone. I quickly shake my head.

"Hell no, man! I was just curious, kians a dude. I don't like dudes. Not that there's anything wrong with being gay, but yeah I definitely do NOT like kian. No sir." I tried to be convincing but both of their smirks starting to fade.

Ricky folded his arms behind his head. "Justin you totally like him!" He laughed.

"Ugh yes-" they both started cheering like crazy and high diving and jumping around me like toddlers. Well, they're both toddlers at heart I guess. "But shut up about it alright?? I don't mind the other guys knowing but I really don't want kian to find out!" I whined, pleading with them. Sam smiled softly and patted me on the shoulder.

"Don't worry bro! Your secrets safe with us."


Da feelings is out*-* THANKS FOR 100 READS that made me smile today:)

jian //drunken mistakeWhere stories live. Discover now