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"dear calla,

the hogsmeade trip was needed. you did a lot of reassuring and i'm sorry if i came off insecure. i just like you so much that i am sometimes still in disbelief that we're even dating.

is that lame of me to say?

what does it matter. it can't get any more lame than writing these letters still. i guess i do it because it's hard to voice and admit these feelings. especially since i'm supposed to be upbeat and funny all the time. nobody expects it, you know? i don't mind being everyone's source of laughter. i love it. but sometimes it feels like i can't be vulnerable like this because it's not normal or usual for me.

i talk to george about it sometimes. but it feels like i can't be 100% still. he's one of those people that doesn't think there's a point in being so whipped at 14/15. he just wants to have fun. but it isn't just being whipped at 14/15. i've been whipped since i was 11. and i'll be whipped until i'm 100.

i hope you will be too.

fred xx"

dear calla ⚯͛ f. weasley [BOOK 2]Where stories live. Discover now