Break apart

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The wind swept Giornos hair from his braid as he made his way to his now shared dorm with Mista, the dull and grey winter's day invited giorno sweetly to the outside air.
Taking sweet breaths as he savoured in finally being outside in the air.
He was getting so tired of the flavour of air conditioning.
As much as giorno loved sunny days and the feeling of the Sun on his skin the aftermath is just too much for him to handle anymore. His skin was thinning from constant exposure, he's lost his fear of dying. Knowing soon he will cease to exist has made him reckless in taking care of himself and his father is worried. Giorno, his only son, is falling apart so beautifully and with so much grace you'd hardly notice less you look closely at those pale blue eyes. He knows all too well his son won't be around to stay with him forever, Giorno wasn't meant to live this life and DIOs biggest regret was ever subjecting giorno to the terrors of the mask. Taking away the innocence of mortal life has changed Giorno and he will never return to the compassionate and sweet soul he once was in childhood.
Giorno himself misses the sweetness that came with mortality, the fear of danger and the instincts he once had. Now he is nothing but a predator much worse than when he was in human skin, his sharp eyes only see his roommate and boyfriend as potential meals rather than people he cares for. He fears the witch and his friends, he fears the daylight and the sound of clocks. Knowing that their ticking brings him closer to another day of deathless pain and dismay in this skin he wasn't destined to crawl.

The sharp February air was leaving gentle kisses on giornos already cold, pale, skin. He tugged at a strand of golden hair, sighing deeply as he continued to examine his skin as he walked.
Giorno was still uncomfortable in his new skin, his hair started growing blond a few years ago and with his affliction his skin paled. Giorno had dark hair and softer skin before, he looked more like his mother then. He flinched at the thought of her and decided to make his way home quicker to avoid the thought at any costs.

Giorno fiddled with the door handles, unable to open them as he had been outside too long and his blood flow has almost stopped from the cold, he was completely numb. Mista pulled the door open and pulled giorno in gasping at the sharpness of his skin. The deep warmth calmed Giorno for just a moment, letting himself weaken and melt in the tight embrace he knew would always be a constant. That this affection would stay with him for as long as he would let it.
He pulled away from Mista, a worried and tight expression played across his usually stoic face. His deep brown eyes looked into Giornos, trying to find the answer to a silent question.
If he was alright.
And we wasnt, they both knew it. They both were decaying, neglecting themselves for the other. Killing themselves in a romantic and selfless suicide pact. Giorno would kill for Mista. And Mista would die for giorno. They both have, and will continue to do so until the Crows stop them.
Giorno placed his cold hands on the sides of Mistas face, smiling sweetly as how he nuzzled into them, despite their temperature.
They stayed like that for a moment, speaking wordlessly to each other as they stood in the breezy hallway.
The loud shrills of Narancias laughter gave them both heart ache. They both knew neither of them could have the love Narancia and fugo had. Both of them could die, one of them doesnt drain the other of their essence just to survive, the other doesnt willingly give it.

Giorno looked away, suddenly very upset he needed to break away. He needed to start pulling away from mista. He felt himself decay and he just knew mista would throw himself ar giorno just to save him yet again. He will not let that happen again, by hell or high waters Mista will live on. Live a human life, with a human partner. With a human art degree and paint beautiful churches in France. Giorno will never be a surgeon, he will never be a musician, he will never be able to have a family, or a functional love life. He had to end it soon, and easily.
Mista stood closer to Giorno, holding his forearm gently as he tilted his head to be in giornos gaze. His eyes were filled with hurt, he knew.

He was always so smart.

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