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"So you like girls now?" Zyria asked Kaia making Kaia spit out her Twix. She coughed clearing her throat before shrugging.

"I mean I don't know" she said quietly and Zyria raised her eyebrow shaking her head.

"You want some Dakota pussy" Zyria said making Kaia bust out laughing.

"Don't laugh because you know I'm right" Zyria added and Kaia smiled shrugging.

"I mean you can't say nothing because you want some Knox dick" Kaia said making Zyria's eyes widened.

"I do not" she argued back but Kaia shook her head.

"Girl you like him just admit it" she said leaning back on the couch as she ate the last of her Twix bar. Zyria frowned and shrugged eating her M&Ms.

"Honestly even if I did, it wouldn't matter" Zyria mumbled and Kaia looked at her curious to what she meant by it wouldn't matter but she didn't comment on it.

"Well I think you guys would make a cute couple and I think he likes you" She said and Zyria frowned. She reached and grabbed some nacho cheese Doritos taking a handful.

"Whatever you say Kaia" Zyria said dismissing the idea while Kaia shrugged and smiled. She had a thought in her head and grabbed her phone to text someone.

"You want to watch another movie" Zyria asked her and she nodded looking down at her phone. Zyria got up and grabbed the remote before going into Netflix.

"How about scary movie 4" she suggested but Kaia shook her head looking up from her phone.

"I'm going to go to bed I'll see you tomorrow babes" Kaia said kissing Zyria's cheek. She got up and yawned as she stretched her limbs before walking upstairs to her bedroom.

Zyria sighed and decided to clean up the living room since she wasn't tired yet. She read the clock to see that it was only one in the morning.

"I didn't realized it was that late" Zyria mumbled and finished cleaning the last of food from the living room before walking upstairs to Kaia's room where she always slept when she slept over.

Opening the door, Zyria was greeted with Kaia making out with Dakota as they tried to quickly take each other's clothes off. Zyria's eyes widened she quickly closed the door and hurried to the guest room.

"Hey" someone said making Zyria jump and look up to see Knox chilling on the bed.

"What the fuck! When did you get here"Zyria said confused to how they both got in the house without her knowing.

"Oh my sister wanted to see her little girlfriend and she can't really drive so I drove her here and we both sneak climbed in to this window. I told her I'll just sleep in here tonight or until she was ready to go" Knox explained shrugging before letting his eyes drop to pay attention to whatever was on his phone.

"Well I'm sleeping here because they are making out in her room so get out" Zyria said and Knox smirked but shook his head no.

"I was here first" he said and stood up taking his shoes off.

"I don't care. Get out" Zyria argued and Knox rolled his eyes.

"You know when you try to argue with someone, you look like a cute little mouse" he said and took his jacket off before laying back down on the bed.

"I don't know if I'm suppose to be happy you called me cute or just irritated that you compared me to a mouse" Zyria mumbled and Knox scoffed.

"I just gave you a compliment be happy about it" he said before yawning.

"Get out and sleep on the couch" Zyria said and Knox chuckled.

"Listen you can either join me in this bed and we can both sleep or you can get the fuck out and sleep on the couch" he said leaning against the headboard of the bed as he stared at her.

He took noticed in her choice of wearing an oversized sweatshirt and some knee high socks with her hair in a messy bun. Zyria sighed before walking to the other side of the bed sitting down in it.

"Fine but don't touch me" she said and got under the covers. He nodded as he smirked before pulling his shirt and pants off.

"Wait what are you doing?" Zyria asked him quickly as she turned her head to look at him.

"I don't sleep with clothes on." He responded before getting under the covers.

"So you don't have any clothes on" Zyria asked him slowly and Knox rolled his eyes.

"I have boxers on Zyria" he said before turning the guest room lamp off leaving them both in darkness.

"You better not come near me"Zyria warned him and Knox rolled his eyes again.

"Wouldn't dream of it" he mumbled before turning over to face the edge of the bed and closing his eyes.

Zyria being still a little weary of him sighed and moved closer to the edge of the bed. Her eyes shut and soon she was knocked out.


"They look so cute" Kaia mumbled to Dakota as they both watched Zyria and Knox who were sleeping in the bed cuddling.

Zyria's head was on Knox's chest while his arm was around her holding her tightly. Zyria soft snores filled the room as she moved her hand onto her sleeping partner's chest, brushing his skin with her fingertips.

"Should we wake them?" Dakota asked Kaia who shook her head and walked toward the room's door. Dakota shrugged and quickly pulled out her phone snapping a picture of the two before following Kaia out the door, shutting it softly.

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