Chapter 56

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I never saw that land before,
And now can never see it again;
Yet, as if by acquaintance hoar
Endeared, by gladness and by pain,
Great was the affection that I bore

                                       I never saw that land before.
                                                     Edward Thomas


I'm sitting on the front terrace of the large main ranch house, and the sky I clear without a cloud. I feel more than hear someone's presence behind me; I turn and the younger male is standing there staring at me.

I study him for a minute and he's just standing there.  "Is there something I can help you with?"

He tilts his head to one side. "Yes you can. How did you fool my cousin into pledging herself with you."

He is frank with his thoughts.  "I didn't fool anyone into anything. That is not my way, nor do I have to resort to such things."

He chuckles.  "No, I suppose she was very easy like they say those royals are." I feel the heat rise in my ears at his vile remark.

"Is that what you've heard cousin?"  We both look down the other end of the terrace, as Jahní steps through the door on that end.  "I must make things clear. I am not 'EASY' as you may have heard, but as I recall you were not the brightest of my family here."

He frowns at her and folds his arms across his broad chest.  "Is that so?"

She nods.  "Yes that is the way I remember it!"

Then this big guy begins to laugh and to my surprise Jahní begins to laugh as well, which confuses me. Then I think about it for a moment. These two used to spend a lot of time together. Then he extends his arms and they embrace each other still laughing.

"Forgive me Captain."  He bows to me.  "You are a good man, as far as I can sense from you." He looks at Jahní.  "Though, it's just to easy to pick on you."

Ah... so that's it.  "Well, that was funny yeah... funny." Jahní comes to me hugging me to apologize and make peace. I know I shouldn't feel bad, but I kind of do.  "It's all good Jahní. I'm just getting used to this side of you."

She puts her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist.  "Are you sure?"

I smile at her. "I didn't know you had such a funny bone like that."

Her cousin laughs. "We Majah-tu do have a sense of humor Captain. Though, in the capital many can be very stuffy."

"We are not so stuffy!" Her cousin smiles. "Oh by Ant, this is Bomahn-tahúr; he is the oldest of my cousins."

I extend my hand properly greeting him, and he takes it firmly. This man is strong. "Glad to know your name finally."

Jahní looks at her cousin and there is a bit I sadness in her face. "I saw Nahaní. What happened?"

"She had a terrible fight with Grandfather and the next day she left." He looks down sadly. "I had no idea she had found a transport off world; I blamed Grandfathers stubbornness." He walks up to the railing leaning on it. "He did not approve of her choice for pledging, and this was burning in her until it burst."

I stand by Jahní and I focus in on her. Are you sure you want to tell him where she is? She side glances at me; Ok I get it the importance of this news, but she's not in a bad place yet.

She puts a hand on her cousin's shoulder to try and lessen the impact. "She has pledged herself to a notorious pirate."

He closes his eyes letting his head hang for a bit; This is not good news for him or for the rest of the family, to know that Nahaní is wed to that Jobahars.

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