Chapter 29

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Iroh snuck through the building. He kept seeing groups of unconscious guards here and there so he knew he was on the right track to finding his troop.

He grabbed the wall when he felt the building shake, telling him there was an Earthbending fight happening somewhere.

Iroh looked down, feeling something creeping up his legs.

His eyes widened and he struggled to free his feet, realizing the stone of the floor was encasing his feet.

"What's the hurry Mr. Soldier?" A woman laughed.

Iroh growled. He jerked his torso around just enough to bend at the woman.

She blocked the fire with a slab of rock. She kept it in front of her as she made her way around him.

She grinned, "What do you think you're doing? Separating yourself from your group isn't very wise."

Iroh glared at her, taking to a fighting stance, though he couldn't move his feet, "Where's Fire Lord Zuko?"

The woman raised a brow, "Oh, you don't have to worry about him for long. Once master Takai gets his hands on Commander Mutt, there'll be no need for his Royal Scarface."

Iroh's jaw locked. He hated it when people made fun of his Grandfather's scar, he knew his Grandfather stopped caring long ago, but Iroh still hated it.

"What is he going to do to them?" Iroh growled.

"First he'll rid the world of the pathetic Motley Blood, then," She snickered. "Let's just say, the Fire Lord's daughter better be ready for that throne."

Iroh gritted his teeth, bending a stream of fire at her.

She covered the blast with the rock. She stomped on the ground, causing a new slab of rock to jump up.

She thrust her fist forward and the slab flew at him, wrapping around his body and holding his arms against his sides.

He struggled, trying to break free.

She moved closer, "You shouldn't have left your group."

"Who said he did?"

The woman whirled around, finding herself facing a whole group of soldiers: four in red, two in green, and two in blue.

Iroh smirked.

Pelo stomped on the ground.

Iroh shook the stone off of him as it crumbled away.

The woman took to a fighting stance, trying to keep all the soldiers in her view.

"Shouldn't have left your group," Kayoda said in a mocking tone as she bended water at the woman, freezing it as it made contact with her right hand.

The woman's arm dropped at the sudden weight.

She bended a chunk of rock at the group.

Nin stopped the rock and slammed it into the wall, causing the building to shake.

Iroh kicked the woman from behind.

She was immediately pinned down by one of Hano's knives.

Iroh crouched down in front of her, lifting her head to look at him.

"Where is Fire Lord Zuko?" He demanded again.

She grinned, "Doesn't matter, it won't be long before he freezes to death. Even a master of blue fire can't survive a maintained temperature of absolute zero for more than a day."

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