Chapter: 20

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I woke up in his bed, with his arm around me, I turned to face him, he looks so peaceful sleeping, I kissed his lips, I kissed his shoulder that was holding me close to him,

I have him, I have to let Jiang go, look Ryu you have this man, and you do like him, you want to be with him, you did things with him you haven't done with Jiang, and you know this man for weeks, you know Jiang for so long, he just wasn't yours and deep down you always knew, that's why you never even kissed him,

He probably doesn't even have feelings for you, you are just a friend to him, and think about Kai he will keep her so happy, they both deserve each other, they will be happy together, and you want them to be,

I looked back at Zuko laying here with his arm around me, he is your Ryu all yours, I kissed his burn, then his cheek, then the arm that was around me, then his neck,

A smile spread across his lips, I kissed them, "Now this is the way I want to wake up from now on" he said in his deep morning voice,

"Of course my lord" I chuckled, he kissed my head, "I can't believe tomorrow I will become fire queen, four weeks from now, I wouldn't be able to even imagine it"

"Uncle always says destiny works in mysterious ways you never know where you end up; I guess it was your destiny to end up mine" he tightened his grip,

"I like it when you call me yours" I kissed him, "Mine," he said in between the kiss,

"We should get up," I said trying to break free, "No"

"What do you mean no, the guest will start arriving today, we have to get ready", "ten more minutes" he pulled me dipper into his chest,

"Okay but only ten"

After about thirty minutes of convincing Zuko to let me go, he finally did, some times he acts like a boy who's favorite toy is being taken away, you can't even imagine fire lord acting this way but here we are, I chuckled to myself as I entered my room,

I fixed my hair which is a mess, and walked out, Kai is sleeping on the couch in the sitting area with Jiang nowhere to be found, did she stayed here all night,

"Kai?" I shook her, she groaned, before suddenly sitting up, "Ryu, Listen to me okay, we...." She started but was cut off by me,

"Kai take a deep breath, I want you to listen to me first then you can talk" she nodded, I sat next to her, taking her hands in to mine,

"Kai I am sorry for how I behaved yesterday, it was just big news, and it was hard for me to process it, but now I have thought about it, I happy for you two, I truly am, I am sorry if I scared you"

"So we are okay?" she asked, "Yeah of course we are, we won't let a boy come in the middle even if the boy is Jiang" she hugged me,

"I was so scared that I will lose you", "Don't be you will never, I am just little hurt that you didn't tell me"

"Sorry it's just I wasn't sure what was happening, other than that we were dealing with this whole new life, it was just a lot"

"Well tell me everything" I grabbed an apple from the fruit bowl,

"What is there to tell?" she asked,

"When was the first kiss?" I asked, biting into it, "Your wedding day, when Jiang ran off I followed him, he was an emotional mess so was I, I don't remember how but we end up kissing" she blushed,

Got to admit that Hurst a little, while I was marrying someone I don't even know, the boy I thought was mine was kissing my best friend, no Ryu don't think like this he was never yours,

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