Burying something that cannot die

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Opening my eyes I lift my head up slightly to see a beautiful Rudolph getting ready for the day. In the middle of fixing his bed head I could see he was holding something reflective in the palm of his hand.

A...small mirror. He was checking his reflection. How...

Feeling my now questioning stare directed towards him Rudolph quickly shoves the mirror into one of his many pockets.

"Tony! My darling!" Rudolph says excitedly as he walks up to me. Brushing my messy bed head away from my forehead to plant a gentle kiss.

"Rudolph..." I start but can't seem to grasp what I'm trying to even ask.

"Sunshine we have a very busy day today! You should get ready! I'll be awaiting your arrival downstairs along with Anna and Gregory." He says with panic clearly displayed in his eyes.

The truth always shining through his eyes are definitely his best feature.

Taking an hour to get ready I was at a complete lost for words. I only spent ten minutes actually getting ready, the rest were spent with crazy thoughts running through my head. Excuses as to why Rudolph would be checking his appearance in a mirror.

He was holding a mirror. I know he was. But I don't think I actually saw his reflection. But if that were the case then why can I recall seeing one before. I know I'm not crazy.

I've seen his reflection before but where?

Either way I was definitely getting answers tonight. Rudolph promised to never lie to me again. And even though he technically wasn't lying about this. I was still a little hurt that he was avoiding the question he knew I would ask.

Passing through the hallway lit by a row of castles I quickly glanced at all of the paintings displayed between each lantern. I didn't get to take a good look at them yesterday because I was so tired. But one of them stopped me in my tracks. It was one of Rudolph when he was younger. Most likely his early teen years. He was so... Adorable. But now is not the time for gushing.

My little vampire. It's on sight.

Finally entering the main living room of the house I see the three siblings talking between each other a little quieter than usual.

"Ah now I understand why you always look so delectable Tony. It's because of how long you take to get ready. A little too long..." Gregory had said the first half jokingly before suddenly taking on a more serious tone throughout the last part.

"Gregory shut up." Rudolph said in a warning tone.

"Rudolph, can I talk to you?" I glanced towards the two siblings. Gregory holding a menacing look while Anna's face seemed more anxious. "Alone please?"

Closing his eyes I heard a faint hum come from his lips before he opened them once more. Looking to his siblings Rudolph let's out an exasperated sigh.

"Now's not the best time my love."

Oh yeah, not sus at all. A little annoyed I just let out something along the lines of an ok before heading out the front door.

Ignoring Rudolph's pleading I just keep walking. With no destination in mind I just kept walking.


After a good fourth minutes of walking in the same direction I soon found out that Rudolph had no intention of coming after me. Even though I kind of hoped he would.

Does that make me crazy? It does... Doesn't it?

I laugh at myself due to the situation. This whole thing is crazy! Why am I even this mad at him? It's not like he lied to my face.

Milk & BoneOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora