Chapter 41

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Disclaimer: I don't own anything PJO/HoO related (that goes to Uncle Rick), neither do I own anything from the MCU (that goes to Marvel Studios)

Frank P.O.V.

"AAAGGRHH!" a loud yell of pain rose above the other sounds. It was Hazel, destroying the last Stone that Thanos had. It was Hazel's voice.

My head snapped around and I heard a pop , the last Infinity Stone was destroyed. We were supposed to be safe, to be happy, now, but Hazel didn't look safe or happy. A golden glow had started in her stomach and it was getting brighter. She over used her powers.

"AAAHH" another scream of pain escaped her mouth. I ran towards her, the glow was getting brighter. When I was 10 feet away the light was blinding. And then,


She popped, like a light bulb.

"NO! HAZEL!" I yelled. There was blood and human insides splattered all over the scene, not even a body to hold or to bury.

I felt pain. Lots and lots of pain. At first I thought it was emotional pain from what just happened, but then I remember. My firewood, Hazel had it in her pocket. Where was it now? I don't even care anymore, I'll get to see Hazel again.

I doubled over in pain and fell onto my knees.

"Frank! Frank, what's wrong? Are you hurt," Annabeth asked. I didn't even have enough energy left to answer her. She layed me down gently on my back as I withered in pain. "Percy, help me look for a wound!" I heard her shout at Percy. Percy stood over me, I couldn't see his face clearly. A few people had gathered around me, the battle was still raging on in the background.

"Firewood. His firewood! Hazel had it with her before she- before she..." Percy said as he ran to where Hazel's body would have been. Someone else took Percy's spot over me, someone who looked a lot like Leo. I must have been hallucinating.

Percy came running back with a wet piece of firewood. "It was laying in a pool of poisen, cleaned it with water, " he said worriedly. The pain had dulled a little bit. No! I was suppoed to be with Hazel! Percy handed me the wet firewood and I sat up.

"I- I am sorry, guys. But I can't go on anymore, not without Hazel," I said and threw my firewood into the nearest body of fire.

"NO, Frank!" yelled Piper, tears streaming down her face.

"I'm sorry, I love all of you," I said as I turned to ash.

Ta-daa! My slightly long overdue chapters are in. Now I'm gonna go sit in a dark corner and think about what I've done.

-the person who brutally murdered Hazel and Frank.

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