Chapter 3 : Unforgettable Promise

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Duke Carl suddenly stops chuckling. His face and eyes turn cold.

'why did the air suddenly turn cold??'

Alex look at his Lord's face and flinched. He could see how cold his Lord's face and gaze were right now. 

It's suffocated.

'something is wrong...why suddenly like felt like, my lord was trying to kill someone.'

Except that someone might be his son.

Alex turns his face to look at Leon's relaxed expression.

'ah... this oddball... didn't he know how dangerous his father's expression was right now?? why is he so chill???'

Alex starts to think that Leon is really a weird young master.

'it's not like he is not weird from the start... ah let's not get involved...'

Alex thus ignores the situation and looks away from the duo. He felt like, he wants to run away from there.

"Leon Fronti... are you being serious right now!!!??"

Duke Carl's body trembled as he shouted in anger. He felt angry just from remembering that 'promise' they, no... to be exact, promise that Leon makes. Leon ignores his father's angry gaze and just gazes back at his father as calmly as possible. He doesn't plan to hurt his father's feelings, but... the story needs to go as supposed to be, and he doesn't plan to change any of it. And so, he affirmed his resolve.

"yes... I'm always serious, father... from back 10 years ago...till now I'm 18... I'm still serious about our talk back then... and mother is the witness for that vow... so I'm not going to step back from that promise now."

He looked at his father, determinedly, without backing out. No matter what, he will fulfill his promises, and no one can stop him. His father saw how burning his gaze was and finally sigh and lean back.

"I thought you....not serious back then..."

He says as almost whispers to himself. But Leon still could hear it and reply,

"I'm not joking, father... I thought I already show you how serious I am at the time and I even make sure mother become the witnesses... though I know how breaking her heart is..."

His words at the end seem almost whispered. He felt ached in his heart just remembering his mother's desperate cry towards him. But at that time, his firm was resolved, so he need to make sure not to be shaken here or... it will be all useless for Leon.

When he thinks about how hurt the boy Leon at that age of 8 is, he can't stop but keep going. Leon already fighting his own desire of wanting to always be a part of this Duke family, so the adult Leon like himself can't back out now and destroy the child Leon's effort. 

It's sad but, it must be done. Maybe not by real Leon as he might already die but... at least, it must be done by him who stole this body of Leon.

"ahhh...Leo I... I know I was worthless as your father.... I know I should stop you back then...but... even when I know how stupid my adult self at the time, I couldn't help, but agree with your resolve... because it was for the best at the time......."

Duke Carl put his hand onto his closed eyes and his left arm was on the chair armrest. He felt teared up and fearful. He never thought that this day will come when his child, Leon would bring back up this subject that he buries deep into his memory. He really doesn't wish to face this day. He felt tired all of sudden with this subject in his hand.

"It's okay, father... it's not what you desire... it's all my own decision... so it's fine... I just hope... when the time comes... you will keep your promise... and I, as I vow back then, will live my life quietly and disappear with no one noticing... that's all... thank you for meeting me today... if there's nothing else... I will take my leave now"

Leon say as he walked away to the door. His father still closed his eyes and put his right hand on his eyes without saying any words to Leon. His father's secretary, Alex sneaks a peek at his lord with a pitiful expression.

'ah... I felt like, I hear something that I shouldn't

"ah right father...see you at the dinner..."

Say Leon nonchalantly as he opened the door and was about to leave. Duke Carl then opened up his mouth and say.

"Leon...isn't now... that promise can still be changed??"


Leon turns back and faces his father who is still the way he was before. His face turns to a frown.

'haih... it might still can be changed I say, I won't... it's such a hassle you know...'

Leon's face swapped to a stoic one as he thought that. He opens up his mouth to speak.

"no father... even if there's a way... it's not in my option... I rather choose this way... if I change my way now... what the use of all the experiences I've been thru these passing years???"


"you don't have a word for that right??? So, I will leave now... don't ever mention this anymore, father... I don't want to hear it... see you during dinner"

Leon's voices sound cold as he denies his father's intention before he turns his back and opens the door.



Duke Carl finally opened his eyes with a sigh* after Leon left. He looked up at the empty space of his son that just now was here but gone. He sighs* more as he looks at it. The deep burying memory that he had then roamed into his mind.

'ah...I felt sick with this'

he remembered his wife's desperate cry. His 8 years old son serious's eyes. And he himself that just agree.

'what a stupid father you really fail as a father.'

When the silence fills the room once again, his secretary breaks the silence.

"My lord, please forgive my rudeness.. I know it's not in my place to ask you this but... What kind of promises that you two talking about??"

Gripped eyes*

Alex closes his eyes tightly as he was afraid that the Duke will kill him for his impudent, asking this kind of question during this situation but, Duke Carl didn't answer as he still felt sorrow for his pitiful side as a father. 

Alex gulped as he waited for the answer.

'what is this heavy atmosphere??, it almost seems like someone had died.'

Only after a few seconds passed did the Duke finally opens up and close his mouth a few times before telling the whole story slowly.

''Leon... he... make a promise to... disappear from this family when he turns 20...''

To be continued...

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