Ch45 - "You've done very well..."

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Hello, what's up! How are you doing these days? If any misfortune fell upon you, then it's okay to feel stressed but not too much okay? Try to relax even though it's easier said than done.

Well, enjoy reading~


Miyuu did not understand what Yukari was talking about as she was still not fully awake and dizzy. It was understandable as she had just casted more than several large-scale spells in succession. Although it did not leave any effect during her angel form, it did have some aftereffects as it was her first time to transform into an angel-like existence.

Yukari did not force her to sit up since she understood that Miyuu would feel sluggish. Spending all of her Mana like water, it would take more than courage and determination.

Nevertheless, Miyuu tried to get up despite feeling exhausted and listless. Seeing this, Yukari helped her up since she knew that if she stopped her, she would still try to do it herself. One thing she had similarity with Hiiragi was her stubbornness.

"I know you're feeling tired, so don't force yourself, okay?"


Miyuu answered with listless voice. She was totally spent as she could only manage to lean against the tent's pole. She breathed in and out a few times to calm down and looked at Yukari with inquisitive eyes. She did not remember much when she woke up.

Yukari understood her intention and explained slowly.

"Myu-chan, you've made a very good job. To make such achievement, you've overcome your fear and limit with flying colours. I'm so proud of you."


Yukari embraced Miyuu's body gently as she said that. Miyuu tried to understand what was happening and what she meant but failed since she was surprised by her sudden action.

However, she did not reject it but also returned the hug. She realized that it was not a bad thing that happened.

Yukari explained as light as she possibly could to make sure Miyuu did not get surprised.

"When I arrived at the medical tent, I saw you floating in the air, shining brightly as your wings flapping gently. You casted powerful recovery spells in succession. Then, you flew to the battlefield and fought bravely there. I did not know what happened over there but I am sure that you've done your very best to defeat the enemies."


As Yukari talked, Miyuu could finally remember what had happened. She remembered that she had kill all those monsters using many magics and she also remembered the hostile man who tried to kill him.

However, as the genius genes inside her body functioned, she noticed that if she was here, then she was safe. The probability of her being caught was close to zero.

Then, she also realized one thing. The only thing that finally weighed on her mind. When she did it, she did not feel much as she was high on adrenaline and the Angel's Halo gave her the calmness and rationality to do so. However, when those factors were gone, all the emotions and feelings began to spill from her mind.

She did not want other people to realize what was going on with her. Therefore, she put herself inside Yukari's arms, as she was the only solace she could find since Hiiragi was not there right now. She managed to maintain her sanity because of her existence. If not, she would probably go in a rampage out of anxiety.

She tightened her embrace in Yukari's arms as she could not hold back the overwhelming tornado of emotions inside her. Yukari was surprised and asked her why.

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