13- Chamber of Secrets

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The next day everyone was talking about the message on the wall, who the heir could be and what the chambers of secrets was. You had heard of the chamber of secrets and knew it had to do with Salazar Slytherin but didn't know anything else so you were just as curious as everyone else. You and the three boys had Mr. Binns who taught History of Magic which was kinda boring but you managed to get through class everytime without falling asleep. You expected students to participate in class today since you were sure everyone would want to know about the chamber of secrets and Mr. Binns who taught history would most likely how information about it. As you all sat down Mr. Binns started teaching but was soon interrupted by a Hufflepuff girl who asked about the chambers of secrets.

"I teach facts in this class not myths and legends" Mr. Binns wanted to continue with his lesson however seeing that his students for once were so interested in his class decided to tell his class about the chamber.

"Well as you all know this school was founded by the four founders; Godric Gryffindor, Rowena Ravenclaw, Helga Hufflepuff and Salazar Slytherin. Now three of the founders; Godric, Helga and Rownea got along pretty. But Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective of the students admitted in Hogwarts, he believed that magical learning should only be taught to purebloods, all magic-families. However not being able to convince the other founders he left but before departing it is said that he built a chamber that contain a horrible creature that would rid all those unworthy to study magic, muggleborns. It is said to open only when the true heir of Slytherin returns"

"Professor does anyone know what creature lies in the chamber of secrets" you asked.

"No Miss. Potter but it is said to be a horrible creature that only the true heir can control"


After class you went to the library to have a study session with Percy since you asked him to help you get ahead. You were getting a book when you ran into Hermione who was coming out of the Restricted Section.

"Mione, how were you allowed to go in the restricted section?" You questioned the girl.

"I got a note signed"

"From who?"

"Lockhart. I asked for his autograph and well he signed it without thinking twice"

"Of course. I'm sure he was delighted. Well what book did you get?"

"Moste Potente Potions.I'm going to make Harry and Ron a polyjuice potion so they can change into Crabbe and Goyle so they ask Malfoy for information"

"Cool ! Find me after my session with Percy I know a perfect place you can brew it." After you finished your session with Percy you took Hermione to the second floor girls' lavatory.

"Why here though won't someone catch us here?" She asked.

"Nope, no one ever comes up here. It's rare if someone does?"

"Why is that?"

"Cause of Myrtle or better known as Moaning Myrtle" You said, causing Myrtle to appeared "Hello (y/n), back again"she said.

"Hello Myrtle, oh Myrtle this is Hermione. She will be coming in to brew a polyjuice potion. Can you keep it a secret please?"

"Of course (y/n)" she cried out then flew into one of the toilets, which sent water to fly out.

"How do you know her?" Hermione asked.

"Well let's just say I come here often Mione. Especially when I need a place to cry plus she keeps me company at times"

"So her name is Myrtle but she is known as Moaning Myrtle cause?"

"She's known for crying. Her cries will sometimes lead to the floor flooding"

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