An execution ... of love

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-y/n POV-

I made my way through the crowd of people all waiting for heads to roll. I wanted that spot front and center to not miss any of the action. I'd longed for excitement in life and finally I'd get some.

Two men were pulled up on stage and the crowd went wild. Some booing, some cheering. Both of the men were crying, I started to feel bad for being there. I mean... they were just people. A man with a sign appeared and placed himself in front of the crowd. "Cheer" it said on the sign and the people followed, I had no choice but to do so myself.

Suddenly, trumpets started playing majestic tunes as a man walked out on stage. Dressed in a red, majestic outfit. Hair black and shaped to his long, sharp face. And legs so short I wasn't sure they could belonged to an adult man. But a looker he was, his handsome face bearing a look of pride and dominance. His tight body moving to the beat of the trumpets. As he turned around to great everyone I got a taste of that succulent behind of his.

Mt body felt hot as he went to the podium. He put his hands in the air "Citizens of Duloc!" The man bearing a sign flipped it, 'applause', me and the people followed. "It is my greatest honor to welcome you all to the annual execution! This year we have these two lovely gentlemen standing right here..." the men gave him a proper stink eye. "Well... lovely they are far from... that's why..." "HEADS WILL ROLL!" The crowd cheered in unison. I felt the energy feeling myself getting wrapped up in it.

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