Chapter 4: Undivulged

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Lanney looked at Geo with a confused stare. She's seen people perform stunts that would get them the distance between the basement and the first floor without using magic, but he nearly doubled the height while completely drained. She pulled out her phone and dialed her mother. It rang twice before she answered.

"Lanney?" she responded, "dear, what's wrong?"

"Well, uh..." with her free hand, she tapped her phone hand's elbow while watching Geo try to clean up. "We might need to call the contractors..." There was a dead silence on her mother's end.


"Yes, Mother?"

"Why do we need to call the contractors?"

"Uhhh..." she stuttered, "well, when Geo walked towards the stairs, the floor gave out on him and he fell."

"Are you two alright?" she said, concerned.

"Oh no," she assured, "I mean, yes." she looked at Geo who was looking for a spot to place the rubble.

"Not even a scratch on him." she continued. Her mother gave a confused sigh of relief.

"I'll call them over." her mother said softly, "as for you two, I'd advise you just take a walk around town."

"But what about the bakery?"

"Business is slow today," her mother's voice indicated she was making a fake smile, but soon perked up "besides, you're still playing host."

"Oh, right."

"Anyways, have fun."

"Okay." Lanney hung up and turned to Geo. He seemed to have cleaned up the floorboards.

"Oh," she was surprised, "Where did you put them?" He pointed to the basement. She walked next to Geo and looked into the hole.

"Well, it's..." she turned to Geo then back to the hole, "it's out of the way. Anyways, perhaps you'd like to go for a walk?" Geo smiled and nodded. He set his sword and jacket down, albeit carefully, and the two began to walk.

She looked around. The farther they went from home, the more she noticed other people taking a stroll. They were mostly groups of people just talking. Just making noise. Their inflections. Their tones. Their erratic sentence structure. Their noise. Their loud noise. She felt a tap on her shoulder before she could be drowned in her thought. Geo looked confused and concerned.

"I-I'm fine." she was just going to focus on her hostess duties.

"So, what do you know about Gwain?" he thought for a moment before mentioning how she was very direct.

"What do you mean by that?" she asked. He explained that when he saved Ami, Gwain just interrogated him.

"You... you saved Ami?" she was talking to a person who just saved her best friend. When was she even in danger? Is that why his hair is white? How did he even meet her? Why was Gwain interrogating him? She shook the thoughts out of her head for a second, and bowed.

"Thank you for saving the princess." she looked at Geo who looked like he was unfamiliar with something. He gave a small nod.

"But, uh," she continued, "I was referring to the city." he referred to Vincent and the bakery, but that was about it.

"Not much, huh..." she decided that she'd fix that. "Well, that'll change soon." he smiled. She felt now would be a decent time to ask about what happened earlier.

"So..." she dragged on the word for a few seconds, "how much do you weigh?" immediately after asking that she felt stupid and very creepy. Geo just looked at her, then told her that he was about 167. Not too much heavier than her. Though her mother is a little heavier and she had no problem.

"Uh..." she tried to come up with another question but felt too awkward "yeah..." she looked back at him and was surprised to find how patient he was. A trait she noticed with only a handful of people. She smiled before she walked into a mailbox. She looked at it, seeing that it was hers. She must have led them in a wide circle. At least they were away from the noise.

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