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Arc: Eternal (1)



Naruto looked at Tsunade.

"You want to go to Uzushiogakure?" Naruto nodded to the question. "That's a lot to ask." She said as she looked through the piles of papers she had.

"It'll be quick. I don't plan on staying there for long." Naruto told her. It was true — it will be quick. Well... only if Naruto found the eyes quickly.

"Do you need teammates with you?" Naruto shook his head. "You better come back in one piece. News has spread that you fought the Raikage." Naruto grinned as he jumped out of the window.


Flashback End:

Naruto saw the familiar waters that was miles away from Uzushiogakure.

I could try and trick the bartenders in the shack again. Nah. I can handle walking on water way longer now. Naruto thought as he ran towards the water with his black-mantle-cape covering his body.

Naruto channeled chakra to his feet. He landed onto the water.

Let's hope this doesn't take too long. Naruto thought as he ran across the huge amounts of water. From the far distance — there could be seen a man.

"The boy is going. Get into position."


As Naruto ran across the water, he felt something.

Hmm? People nearby? How many? Naruto focused even more. His lips formed into a smirk as he sensed the number.

50 people? They're quite strong, too. Did Kumo send them? Naruto thought as he jumped up into the air. He looked down and saw a water dragon hone towards him.

Naruto created a shadow clone. The said shadow clone tossed him away from the direct attack. Naruto landed back onto the water. He activated his sharingan and dodged an array of shuriken coming towards him.

Naruto caught the shurikens that he dodged and threw it back where it came from.

"So annoying" Naruto said as unsheathed the blade that he "borrowed" from Sasuki. He saw over 25 shinobi appear around him. Naruto sighed out of frustration.

Leaf-ANBU? What are they doing after me? Naruto thought as he stood up.

"We are ROOT." One of them said. Naruto looked at each and every single one of them. "I am guessing you don't follow orders from the Hokage. But it doesn't matter." Naruto told them.

"You all lost the moment you dared to even fight me." Naruto said as he stood still.

"What makes you think that?" One asked as they appeared behind him. "Watch out" A teammate of his told him with an emotionless tone. The ROOT ANBU widened his eyes as Naruto turned into a log.

The log was then kicked towards to the man's face. The ROOT ANBU suddenly felt the back of his head get pushed forward. "One down" Two Narutos said in unison as the ROOT ANBU's head hit the log with such force.

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