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Sorry for the late chapter. I ended up  binge watching Disney classics.

Dream looked up and around at the room, his ears flicking. He took a deep breath. " This is fine. " He said.

George gave a faint laugh. " Obviously not. Of course this happens the day Sapnap leaves. " He said.

Dream rolled his eyes. " Just our luck. " He groaned. Eret frowned.

" Relax. We'll be fine. " He said as he fixed his sunglasses.

Dream nodded. " This uh. This might be a bad time, but I'm- " He cut himself off, shaking his head. " Nevermind. "

" Your what Dream? " George looked up.

" I said nevermind, it's okay. I'll deal. " He said.

George narrowed his eyes. " You're sure? " He questioned. Dream nodded.

Truth was, Dream was sorta kinda.... Out of food. But he's gone days without food so he figured he'd be fine.

He walked out of the room and out the back door. He sat down in the leaves. He admired the wind that brushed along. Leaves drifted in front of his face, he watched, feeling amused.

George joined him not too long after him. He looked up and frowned. " What are you doing out here? It's a little cold. " He asked with a concerned expression. Dream shrugged.

" I don't know, I think it's pretty nice out. " Dream protested, leaning against the angel.

George took off his goggles and smiled. " if you say so. " Dream in return took off his mask and yawned lazily.

" What? It's a nice chill day. Let's just relax. " Dream said, motioning wildly with his hands.

" Someone's in a good mood. " George chuckled. Dream grinned.

" Yeah. I like the wind, I guess. " He chirped. He ruffled George's hair and looked back out at the forest.

" Do you ever miss home? " He asked.

" Well, I never got to stay in heaven long enough to think of it as a home, so I guess not. Why? Do you? " George replied, looking sympathetically at the blonde.

Dream simply nodded in response. " Sometimes. " he said after a moment. " Other times, I don't. " He continued. George nodded.

" I mean. We have each other though. " He said cheerfully, draping an arm over Dream. Dream chuckled.

" Right! " Dream agreed. He wrapped his arms around George in a tight hug. " I don't think I would've lasted this long without you. " He said sincerely, George gave a flustered laugh.

" You'd be fine either way. " He said as he looked away.

" Nah. Probably not. " Dream argued, flicking George's forehead.

" Ouch! Oh, I'mma get you for that! " George whined as he flicked Dream back.

Oh boy, did that start a war. Eret had walked over and immediately backed out.This caused Dream and George to stop and start laughing. Dream had laughed himself to tears.

" You done now?" Eret asked cautiously. Sticking his head outside. Dream and Goerge nodded.

" Yeah, we're done. Sorry. " George mumbled, his face red with embarrassment.

Eret smirked. He sat down beside the boys and raised his eyebrows.

" How did that one start? " He asked, he'd barely gotten to finish his sentence when George interrupted.

" Dream flicked me first! " He cried. Poking Dream who laughed.

" Thanks for throwing me under the bus! " Dream complained, poking George back. Eret shook his head and chuckled.

" You guys are ridiculous. " He sighed.

Eret stood up and stretched, Dream and George followed.

" Land of the dead? " Eret asked. The boys nodded in agreement.

They followed each other down into the clearing.

George dove for the blanket fort and Dream rolled his eyes before following. George took his phone from his back pocket and leaned back against the 'wall.'

Dream watched, leaning on George's shoulder to see the screen, Eret tucked himself into a corner and was on his own phone.

Dream forced his ears to stay low so he wouldn't knock the blankets off. His tail flicked over the grass. He chuckled at the video George was looking at and gave a happy sigh.

He could hear rumbling in the distance and looked up in alarm. " What's going on? What was that noise? " He whispered, looking around. George turned to Dream. " What noise?"

Suddenly there was a crash and water began seeping through the blankets. Dream's eyes widened. Eret shrieked in surprise.

" What the hell is happening?? " He whined.

" It's raining. " George laughed.

He stood up and shook nervously. He hated how loud it was. " Come on! Let's get back! " He cried.

They ran out and shouted between each other, they started laughing.

" Over here! " George cried, they ran to the shelter of a tree.

Eret gave a breathless laugh and Dream wheezed.

" I'm soaked! " Dream yelled, throwing his arms up dramatically before slipping on the muddy ground and landing flat on his ass. George hunched over with laughter.

Dream giggled and rolled his eyes. " Shush, we don't talk about this. "

" whatever you say, Dream. " Eret responded, saluting to the imp.

They ran back to the safety of the house and all complained about how they were cold, well other than Dream.

Dream laughed at the two angels as they rushed for showers.

He stood on the tile, trying to lift his heavily water logged ears. He gave up pretty quickly and tried to instead ring out his ears.

He huffed in annoyance and his tail flicking, sending water flying at the wall. He muttered an oops and chuckled.

He sat down on the floor and a shiver ran down his spine. An odd feeling if he did say so himself. He yawned and watched the room with half lidded eyes.

He nuzzled into his dripping sweatshirt. It was a tad cold, but Dream could deal. Naturally warm-blooded, right? Well, yes and no. He was freezing all of the sudden. He shivered and curled up tighter. 

Ahaha some of y'all have guessed what's happening correctly!

Anyways, henlo! Long time no see ay? It's been a day or two lmao 

Sorry about the chapter delays. Lots of school work to do  and Disney movies to watch.

Love y'all!

Moony <3

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