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This weekend i went to my parandparents' house to pick the ripe persimmons

and it was fun



they have like 20 or so persimmon trees with all these persimmons AS BIG AS MY FUCKING HAND

you have to use those scissor thingys to cut the stems and after a while, my hand started feeling numb

like, you know when you use the big tweeser-like-things you use when you cook meat and such?

when you overuse your hand it feels so tired

my hand felt like that

and the sun was in my eyes, rly fucking blinding me

i think it hated me :(

we got some cool persimmons tho

very tasty and not very crunchy

these are persimmons btw(i like them when they're like jelly and doesn't crunch much)

i found a stray black bean in the car and i'm gonna grow it lol

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