Chapter 1 - Turned Page.

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"Say it again" "Nop" "Please?!" "Nope" "Zayn!" i whine "FIne. I love you" " I lav you too!" i peck his lips, "Okay, so now back to this" i show him the papers "Pink, bue, or red?" "Whatever you want!" "Zayn stop doing that, you have to make some decisions"....

Its been 3 months since the whole scandal happened, Perrie and Zayn where happier than ever, they enjoyed every second together, the wedding was back on, Perrie had no doubt in accepting the engagement ring again, Perrie's Father never showed up again and everyone was thankfull for that, they explained everything that  happened to Perrie's family and Zayn's mom and Doniya, also to the girls and boys of both bands, it was shocking but they understood, they did get in a bit of trouble with managment but at the end it al worked out better than expected, one turn of events that really took them harshly was that Veronica confesed to Zayn that Ty was not his son, It broke Zayn's Heart, they told Ty but he barely understood, Zayn was still debating if he should still keep his last name on the child, but veorinca decided not to. Other than that, this huge great family where happier that ever, now their biggest task is to get ready for the Wedding, the couple wanted it to be as soon as possible, Perrie was exastic as so was Zayn, but there will be bumps in the road.

Perrie was trying to get Zayn to help her plan everything, even tho she had  other girls working with her, Little mix, Zayns family and her mother, it was still a lot:

"Why do you do this, i need to know what you think too!" "Because i want you to have the perfect wedding, how you want it, as long as i get to marry you im fine" he pulls me to him by the waist, he leans in for a kiss but i put the sheets of paper on my mouth "Zayn, Which one?!" "None, lets just run away to Vegas!" "Zayn!!" i smack his arm "Fine, but sooner or later your going to have to help me you know that?" "Yes."

Me and Zayn Spent the whole day together...well him in the living room watching the telly and i was stuck in my room planning, but i had had enough of it, i was wearing a light jacket and some sweat pants, i go out to the living room and stand in front of the TV "Hey im watching something" i grab the remote and turn it off "Hey what's that for" "I have a proposition" "hmmm what kind of proposition?" "Okay, for every decision you make i will take a piece of clothing off" i smirk "Ooh i like this already!" "Okay then, Orchestra or band?" "Orchestra....and Dj...afterparty" "Good" i take of my jacket, im only wearing a bra "Now, who will be your best man?" "Louis...wait, actually yes Harry" "Harry it is" i take my sweat pants off "Day wedding or night?" "Day, definetly" "i take my braw off and he wiggles in his seat "Last one, Italy Vineyards or Greece, beach wedding?" "Hmmm....Italy" "Great now things are flowing" i run and jump on him "So if this is how we are going to make all the decisions in life...Im IN!" "Hey, dont flatter yourself, maybe if your a good boy" i trace my finger on his lips, and well a makeout session turned into something else.


So today we are having lunch with our parents, our friends to tell them about the wedding, we all sit on the long table, Jesy sits to my right and Zayn is on my left, we are all a bit crowded, me and Zayn share a kiss here and there, it feel sgood to have everyone here "Okay guys...Hello? GUYS!" i shout, everyone looks at me "Thank you, okay so we have decided where the wedding is going to be" "Halleluja!" says Jess "Took you long enough!" "Yes we know but, you are going to love it!" "Where will it be?!" says Jade "People, pack your bags Because we are going to Italy!".

"WOOHOO!!" the room is full of cheers and then all the commotion starts again "I think they loved my decision" "Yeah the only one you made this whole time" "I know but it was worth it, aaand i cant wait to get there!" we all keep talking and i have Zayns hans intertwined with mine on my lap, he lets go and caresses my thigh, i try my best to look normal while talking to Trisha and my mother, i push his hand off but he does it again and a bit too high this time, i try to control my breath "Perrie are you alright dear?" "Yeah totally fine!" i say as normally as possible! Jesy gets up from her chair and pops her head in-between mine and Zayn's Chair "You guys are so in-mature!" she whispers, i blush because she caugh us, Zayn smacks a kiss on my cheek and i swoon "You two are just love birds aren't you?" "What can i say? i mean loot at his face!" i say squishing his cheeks with my had "Revenge" i whisper and kiss him.

So book 2! i hope you like it! x

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