Y/n Kills The RWBY Universe

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You were making your way to U.A. for the second day of class when you were once again pulled into a portal and sent to the author's dimension.

Not again...

He was standing in front of you with his hands on your legs dragging you into the room. Once you looked at him he dropped you and stepped backwards letting you stand up.

"Why did you bring me here?" you were very annoyed at the situation you were in right now "Well to answer that question I have to show you one of the new chapters I made" he grabbed the laptop of his desk and opened it up and turned it around.

You did a quick skim of the chapter and you realized what was going to happen next "I'm not killing an entire universe for your entertainment!" he sighed "It's not really like that, it's non-canon so it never really happens it's just for the reader's enjoyment, only the readers will remember this event"

"So it...just never happens?" you questioned him "Yep, also this helps to ease your dept against me" you were confused "What dept?" he smiled as he turned the laptop around and showed you the block of text that you created.

Y/n then learned all of Zenitsu's techniques and was able to use all of them to their fullest. And the author isn't able to erase Y/n's mind.


"Shit indeed, now will you go a long with this little adventure or not?" you hesitated for a second but then you decided "...yes"

He smiled "That's all I needed to hear"

You then fell backwards into a dark void.

Unknown location

You felt yourself waking up as you slowly opened your eyes. When you opened them you found yourself on a flying vehicle of some kind and there were a bunch of other teenagers on it with you. Suddenly you heard a voice in your ear.

Testing testing 1, 2, 3. Can you hear me?

What is that?

That's the guy who sent you here.

Wait so you can communicate with me through my thoughts?

Yes and I can help you with my special power...plot convenience.

Sounds made up.


So where am I?

You are in the RWBY universe. It is a world  filled with monsters called Grimm who are all of the planet and are terrorizing this place. Then there are the huntsmen and huntresses who fight the grim to keep people safe.

Sounds a lot like heroes and villains.

In a way yes, so that should mean that you have a small understanding of this world. But remember you have to kill everyone here. Actually you only have to kill main or important characters.

Sounds easy.

But they have special abilities that let them do cool fighting stuff.

"Don't get shocked when I win!" (Male reader x My Hero Academia)Where stories live. Discover now