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"I really don't wanna go in there, Harry," I sighed as we arrived at Umbridge's office. I've been dreading this ever since her class ended. I couldn't even enjoy lunch; that really meant something.

"Well, I'm afraid we don't really have a choice," He scoffed, shaking his head before knocking on the wooden door. There wasn't a sound coming from within, and for a moment I thought she might have forgotten about us.

But then all hope faded when a soft "Come in," was heard and Harry opened the door.

I almost choked on my own saliva as soon as we both stepped foot into the very pink office. My wide eyes scanned the room, but the longer I did, the more pink I found. "Merlin," I whispered, and Harry's elbow quickly found my side.

Why did everyone suddenly feel the need to do that?

The cat plates covering the entire pink wall gave me the rest, and I swallowed thickly as my eyes fell back onto her. She looked at us with a wide smile, anticipation in her eyes.

"Good evening, Mister Potter," She said before she looked at me. She inspected me before her smile grew even wider. "Miss Potter," She said, nodding in my direction once. "Are you alright?"

I cleared my throat, a polite smile on my face as I began nodding frantically. "Of course," I said. "Your office- it's just so... you," I exclaimed, trying hard to make it sound like a compliment.

She smiled, nodding as well while she inspected the room once herself. "Why, thank you, dear."

Harry closed the door behind us when Umbridge prompted us to sit down at her desk. So, we did. "You're going to be doing some lines for me today."

Lines? That couldn't be too bad.

Without either of us saying a word, we went to find our quill in our bag, but she quickly stopped us from doing so. "No, not with your quill. You're going to be using a rather special one of mine."

I furrowed my brows as she stood up to lay two identical quills in between Harry and I, but grabbed one nonetheless.

"Now, I want you both to write 'I must not tell lies'." Umbridge was standing behind us, inspecting our every move cautiously as she gave us the instruction.

"How many times?"

"Well, let's say as long as it takes for the message to sink in," She said, beginning to wander around the room. Could one lady get this much satisfaction out of making some teenagers write some lines?

"There's no ink," I said plainly, seeing as she was waiting for us to begin writing. I gave Harry a look, one that said something wasn't right, and he mirrored it exactly.

What was it, though, that wasn't right?

"Oh, you won't be needing any ink." I mean, ink-less quills in a world full of magic weren't necessarily far fetched, so, I just began writing. And I felt Harry do the same next to me.

So much time had passed, and I started to wonder for how long we actually had to do this when I felt a sudden sensation forming on the back of my hand.

The tingling feeling quickly developed into sharp, stinging pain, and I winced. I let go of the quill, and it rolled off the table just as I took my hand to inspect it further.

I furrowed my brows after I saw the words carved into my skin, leaving a burning sensation behind.

I must not tell lies, it said.

With wide eyes, I looked at my brother, who seemed more worried about mine than his own hand. I diverted my eyes off of him when Umbridge approached our tables with soft steps.

Her blue eyes were piercing into mine, and then Harry's eyes before she spoke. "Yes?"

Her voice was close to a whisper, and I could feel the anger building up in myself. Wasn't I tortured enough for a lifetime already?

I was waiting for Harry to say something, to protest, to be outraged when she spoke to him. And she seemed to know that if she would've addressed me, it wouldn't have ended the way it was about to.

"Nothing." My head snapped into my brother's direction at his words. After how he spoke to her in class, I didn't think he would give in like this.

Right after, he broke their eye contact, looking at me with pleading eyes not to say another word. I tilt my head and have another look at the back of his hand before looking straight ahead again and keeping my mouth shut.

"That's right," She began, her voice quiet, but not any less threateningly. "Because you both know, deep down, you deserve to be punished. Don't you?" Her smile grew wider again, clearly enjoying this.

How sick.

And then she dismissed us, and I haven't seen Harry leave a room as quick as this one in my life.

"We have to let someone know what happened in there. If she does this to other students-" I began right as the door slammed shut behind us. But Harry shook his head, beginning to walk down the corridor at a fast pace.

"No." I furrowed my brows at his reply, and he came to a halt after we turned a few corners. "I'm sorry, this is all my fault. You've been through enough, and I-"

"And you haven't?" I interrupted him sarcastically, grabbing his shoulders so that he had no choice but to stop rambling and look at me. "None of this is your fault. I was the one who decided to speak up in class, wasn't I?" He shifted uncomfortably, his green eyes looking at me.

"Yeah, but-" - "No 'buts' allowed."

He sighed, taking my wrist in his hand to take a closer look at the wounds. "That bitch," He mumbled at the same time.

We talked for a bit longer before we both went to get to our common room. I took a deep breath before mumbling the password to the room, my hand still hurting.

I didn't bother covering the scars; it was so late not a single soul would be up by now, anyway.

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