Soulmate Pt 1

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Lena POV

I never liked going to school. I like to learn, but all through elementary school I was bullied. By the time everyone was 3-5 years old, they all had their tattoos show up but I never did.

When your soulmate is born, a tattoo that represents how you may meet and the initials of their name appear on the inside of your wrist on the left arm. Its very uncommon for a person to go so long without a tattoo, because that would mean your soulmate is very young, so the longer time goes on without it, the more I have gotten bullied for having a child as my soulmate.

But just because you have a soulmate tattoo, it doesn't mean you have to marry them. Lots of the time people never find their soulmate and they settle down and are very happy and content with their lives. While others find their soulmate but it is not a romantic kind, and they become best friends for life. But as kids, you always fantasize about finding your soulmate and the big wedding you would have.

It wasn't until I was about 12 while sitting in class that I felt this warm, uncomfortable sensation, kind of like when you have a sunburn, coming from my wrist.

When I rolled up my sleeve, it showed a coffee cup and 2 symbols in a foreign alphabet. The first was a rectangle with a circle in it and a circle on it. The second looked like a pot with a handle and one bubble above it. The symbols were nothing like I've ever seen, but it isn't unusual that the letters that appear won't be in your language and they will be in your soulmates mother tongue.

After looking at my tattoo I was just so happy that I finally had one and I started showing people it. Everyone in my class was very interested about the letters that appeared. My teacher even tried to find out what language but to no avail. We were all stumped and had no idea where my soulmate might come from.

When I came home that night, my parents were relieved that it had finally shown up but disappointed in the fact they can't discern the language.

This unknown has continued for my entire life up until now.

Kara POV

When I came to Earth, I was not prepared for all the nonsense that comes with it.

Not only did I crash land after being stuck in the Phanton Zone for 24 years, but I was branded the moment I hit Earth's atmosphere. I had no idea how it happened, but now I permanently have this coffee cup and letters LL on my wrist.

Shortly after I arrived at the Danvers, Alex explained the meaning of the tattoo to me which had confused me since I wasn't from this planet. But I chalked it up to fate that I actually received on of these tattoos. I guess it means I was meant to come to Earth at some point to find my soulmate. I wish it was under better circumstances that I came to Earth, but nonetheless, I am here.

Throughout high-school and college I never found this soulmate of mine, which is normal, but I was determined to find out who my soulmate is. Most people are, but for me this person is the reason I am here on Earth so they are important to me even though we haven't met yet.

After becoming Supergirl and a journalist for CatCo, I thought it would have been easier to find this person. Boy was I wrong. All my time is consumed by my jobs so I barely have anytime to search for them anymore. I've resorted to taking my lunch break, when I have them, at the Starbucks across the street and waiting to listening for men's name that start with an L for an hour then marching my way back to CatCo to no avail.

Lena's POV

"No Cat, I am not interested in an interview!"

"But Ms. Luthor, you have just arrived in National City and you are the talk of the town. I'll be sending someone over right away. I WILL be the first with a quote!"

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