Chapter 23- Follow Your Magic

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A/N: Hey Hey!!! Updated :) And when I write my books, I write through NotePad... because my lack of extra cash for Word, but on the other side, I enter my text into here and edit it. I was surprisingly, and proudly shocked to see like four spelling mistakes. (Any of you whom read my book, know how insane that is)... but there may be more, so not judgey :)

Ivory's POV

Something wasn't right, my grandmother had just began to calm down, when I broke out in a sweat. Once again my skin glowed a strange blue, not much, but enough to make my veins appear closer to the skin. Although my grandmother did not realize it. I ignored the feeling, not sure what it was.

"What do I need to know?" I asked, when she collected herself, she laughed.

"It's not something I can fit into a book, somethings I went through, you never will. And you may go through things I didn't. I can answer direct questions, but I can't explain everything in a day, or a single conversation." I nodded, and scratched at my skin. Ivy began to pace in my mind, but she stayed silent. "I can answer any questions you need, and will be here, if you decide to share with me why you mis-used your magic." He voice was stern, but sympathetic, as if she knew I did not choose to.

"Well, Grandma, I just came here about a month ago." I started. "Before that, when I was taken from my parents, the girl you saw, biting my mom, was my creator. She turned me wolf, and my magic was used for bad things. A lot of bad things, healing people from the brink of death, or sending them there. I don't remember much of the kills my magic made, Ivy, my wolf, blocks some memories. But I remember having to pick through there minds, I did not know how, so I caused them a lot of pain." I took a deep settling breath. "I will spare you the details, but I was used, not just as a physical output, but also an emotional. My alpha and his beta mostly took out there sexual, and anger frustrations out on me. But they were not the only ones." I watched my Grandmothers face harden, in a unhidden anger. "My magic took its Penance many times..." Her eyes held the question. The question I did not want to answer. But it ripped from my mouth before I could stop it. "...By re-opening all the lashes my pack gave me, spilling my blood until I blacked out." I whispered, and her face showed her horror. My deepest punishment of my music, the things that kept my scars always looking fresh, when I was forced to miss-use it, every scar- reopened. Not just the ones on the outside, but the ones inside. In the places the men of my pack claimed as their own, so brutally. I had to fight the fog, that Ivory began to place on my mind.

"Why don't you use your pack-link. Get your handsome young men over here, it will make you feel better." She said, that was the first time I realized I was not part of this pack. For some odd reason it had not hit me.

"I can't, I'm not part of the pack." Her eyes-brows shot up, shocked very evident on her gracefully aged face.

"Why not?"

"Well, I never thought about it. I never joined one before, I was created into my old one. When rouges attacked my old pack, and my creator died, my link to the pack was cut. I was turned rouge, and ran. My pack never searched for me, they didn't think I would survive without being helped. Leo and Levi never said anything, they might not of thought I wanted to." I said, and clutched my chest, as my palms grew sweaty, why did I feel so strange?

"Why would you not want to, mates are normally attached to the hip." I tried to answer, but my magic swirled in my mind, making my vision go blurry. "Ivianna?" her voice was concerned.

"I feel weird. It doesn't feel right. Ivy feels it to." I explained.

"Wolves have high-instincts, witches have even better. Search your magic, look into your heart, and follow the blue string. That's the link to your magic. Blue like your coven." As her voice floated through my mind, I found a blue string in my mind, following it like she said. "Find the spot that feels wrong, and try to connect to what it is." she finished. When I found the spot that was no longer blue, but a the same red my skin glowed when I was.... excited. That was when Ivy sent a deafening howl through my mind.

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